
Adoption is never part of the plan.

We know placing a child for adoption was never a dream you had. No matter the circumstances that got you here – we’re here to ensure you get the choice and support you need before, during, and after placement.

Want us to reach out to you?

Want to talk? Meet Jess.

I've placed two children for adoption. Ask me anything. No question is off-limits, and all conversations are free and completely confidential.

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Expectant Mom Bill of Rights

You have rights.

If you choose adoption, you have the right to....

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Coercion-Free Options


Access to Families


Separate Legal Representation


Power Over Your Own Process


A Post Adoption Contact Agreement


Lifetime Post-Placement Care

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Is PairTree right for me?

with Jess Nelson, PairTree Community Manager & 2x Birth Mom

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What is the Expectant Mom Bill of Rights?

with PairTree Founder Erin and Community Manager Jess sharing the essential rights for expectant moms considering adoption

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What should expectant moms know about adoption?

All your questions answered by Jess

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You have options. You have rights. You have control.

The Expectant Mom Guide to Adoption

Facing an unplanned pregnancy is exactly that…unplanned, and not what you had imagined for yourself. If you’re considering adoption, it’s important you understand what that process looks like.

Our Guide empowers you with the essential knowledge you need to navigate the adoption journey, ensuring that your needs and wants come first.

Explore Adoption Professionals

Find a local adoption professional who has your best interest in mind.

Explore Adopting Families.

Be picky and don't settle...explore families to find what you're looking for.

Need to talk? We are here for you.

Jess has been where you are. No question is off limits.

Knowledge is Power.
Adoption laws vary by state and we want to make sure that you have all of the information you need to make the best decisions for you.
Show me the laws in...
Need a recommendation to an ethical adoption agency or attorney?
Jess can help!
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Considering adoption? Connect is here for you.

Safely Connect with Professionals & Adopting Families

I wish PairTree had been a resource for me 15 years ago when I was making an adoption plan. Instead, I was limited to one agency and just a couple of families. Today, PairTree Connect unlocks a nationwide network of licensed adoption professionals and their home study-approved families, ensuring that you have options, choices, and control over your own adoption journey. – Jess

Local, Licensed, & Ethical Professionals

We have created a network of free, experienced, and compassionate professionals who are here to support and guide you on your journey.

Unlimited Choice & Control

You decide what kind of adopting families you want to explore, which families to connect with, and how far the conversation goes. All of your information is private, and you get to send the first message.

Meet Adopting Families

Each of our adopting families is home study approved and working with a licensed, ethical adoption professional.

Explore Adopting Families

Filter & Find exactly what you are looking for.

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Expectant Moms FAQ

Your questions, answered.

We want to make sure you have all of the information you need to safely and healthily navigate your adoption journey. Let us know if you have other questions!

Text Jess at (206) 279-7578.

Do I get to choose the family? How do I know they’re safe?

Can I get help with expenses?

How does PairTree support expectant moms?

Will my child know who I am?

Are the adoptive parents going to be at the hospital?

What if the child’s father does not know and/or agree to the adoption?

Resources for You

These might be interesting...

Visit our Blog to find informational articles, adoption perspectives, videos, support groups and other resources.

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Expectant Mom's Guide to Adoption

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What Expectant & Birth Moms Need to Know: The Expectant Mom Bill of Rights

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Parenting or Adoption - One Birth Mom's Personal Thoughts
