Jonathan & Carlos
Master’s Degree
IT Manager
Political Affiliation:
Lean Left
Master’s Degree
Technology Producer
Political Affiliation:
Lean Left
Thank you for considering adoption! We want you to be honored in this profile. We can only imagine that sifting through the lives of potential families for your little one and you is a very emotional task. We look forward to sharing a look into our home and lives! Carlos is quiet and funny, innovative and musical. He plays in the Seattle Sounders band, and enjoys photography to document the beauty of our trips and our family. He is a very loving husband and fur daddy to our dog. Jonathan is talkative and friendly. He spends free times working on home projects, volunteering, and cooking meals as an amateur chef. He is family and friend oriented, and loves to create an environment that welcomes everyone into our home. Tia is our 8-year-old Doberman. She is the biggest cuddle bug you'll ever meet and loves to shower every kiddo with kisses. Adoption is not a second choice for our family. Years ago, when we first started dating, we decided that if we wanted to start a family adoption was the route that truly meant something to us. Our hearts are full of love toward you already.
Jonathan & Carlos
this lighting is totally on point :)
Jon’s Star Wars Birthday
Christmas 2022 in San Diego with Carl's Family
Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…
Happy. I can only imagine that it is a monumental and emotional decision to place a child up for adoption. My hope is to that our child's birth mother finds healing and happiness. We want the birth mother to know that their child is in a loving home and that they only need to reach out.
My philosophy on parenting is...
Something I know will change, improve, and grow as I, myself, learn how to be the best parent I can be. I think about it a lot, but I know I want to approach parenting with a lot of mindfulness and love to catch myself when my patience starts to run thin and logic to help the child (and myself) understand things like consequences and even opportunities.
Favorite season and why?
My favorite season is the beginning of Fall. I love a nice chilly day but with Sunshine still shining in the sky. The smells, the cozy weather, and excuse to sit next to a fire is everything.
If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:
Tacos! I mean who doesn't love tacos! They're so versatile and delicious. I can put almost anything in a tortilla and make it a taco.
Us with four (out of five) God children
Jon and our nephew Logan
Thanksgiving with our family in Puerto Rico. Our cousins adopted two blessings of their own!
Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…
Happy that she chose us to raise the baby she selflessly entrusted us with. That she has found peace in knowing she made the best decision she could for that baby, and that she is on a path that will bring her all the happiness she deserves and wants.
Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?
We do not have kids. I think I would be very open to a sibling. Our dream is to raise a strong and independent woman. A little brother that can look up to their sister as a role model is something I, personally, identify with.
If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?
An RV would be great to roam around the United States and experience different places and adventures
Favorite season and why?
I grew up in sunny San Diego, so I'm a sunshine boy and love the summer season. However, living in the PNW has made me fall in love with all the seasons.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?
The first thing that comes to mind when I look at the night sky is WOW. Wow because there is so much to our world, lives, and everything that is encompassed around us. At the same time, the wow is also centered around that although this world is so big and there is so much I cannot see or control, I am still unique and one of a kind, and me in that moment is something no on else in this world will be. Our impact is far greater to that around us, even if we seem like the tiniest speck in this world.
When we argue, what’s it about?
Jon and I will have small disagreements like any other couple or relationship. Jon and I don't have big arguments; however if we do, it will usually be about something very important like milestone decisions or miscommunications that led to something we both didn't want.
If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...
Less hate and the need to divde people in to very specific little groups, and just more understanding and love.
October 17, 2020 - We got married! Yes.. we had crowns :)
Carl and our godson Noah (5 years old)
We're a couple of nerds looking for their future baby Leia or Luke
If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?
If we're going for a similar look, I'd say George Clooney, due to my very early gray hair, but ideally Chris Evans would be able to make me look WAY cooler than I am.
We are the best choice because…
It's hard to say why someone is the best choice. There are many people out in the world that may be a great choice for a child. I'd say what qualifies us as one of the best choices for a perspective birth mother to entrust us with their child, is that we are not entering this decision lightly. My husband and I have spoken at length and knew that one day we would want to grow our family and we wanted to ensure, as we are now, in a stable environment. We both have great jobs with well known companies (which have been around for a long time and show stability), we own our own home, we have a support system of parents, friends, and family that are ready, willing, and able to help us as the development of a child, as it always takes a village not individuals. More than the basics of a place to live or a way to support this child, what we offer is true unconditional love. Having grown up in various states, countries, and cities, we've been able to really see different cultures, see how many different forms of love there are, ideologies, and gain perspective of the wide variety of people out in the world, which will definitely have an impact on how we raise this child. we want them to be curious, grow, learn constantly, love indescriminately, challenge the status quo and always know that the current way of doing things doesn't have to be how we continue to do them. I'm probably rambling at this point, but at the end of the day, we come from very loving families, and would truly embrace the opportunity to raise a child, watch them grow, love them, and always protect them. They would have two amazingly loving dads who will never let them ever feel alone or not enough. We will let the child be a part of the process when they are ready to meet their birth mother, if she is willing. Our passion is family, and we couldn't be more excited about the chance to grow our family with this little one that hopefully comes our way.
What scares you?
hmmm that’s a tough one. Many things could scare me, but the biggest one would be leaving this world and not having a positive impact.
I hope our child’s birth mother is…
Understanding. I hope she understands that she is giving a family the most amazing blessing. I hope she understands that the heart ache she must be feeling is part of the journey for her own mental health and well-being. And understanding that; although Jon and I are an LGBTQ+ family, that her child will be incredibly loved.
Tia is REALLY great with children. She will love on them and protect them
Every Holiday we send our friends and family Christmas cards. We can't wait to include a little one with our pup Tia
Jon and I love to go to Sounders FC games! Carl actually plays in the band!
The most special thing I own is...
My trumpet. My father got me my first trumpet when I was 12 and I still play it to this day.
When we argue, what’s it about?
I'd say if we are arguing it's probably about some nerd fact we disagree on, and one of us is too stubborn to admit their nerd is stronger than the other. But on a serious note, if we were to fight, it is somethign we always come to with respect and compromise. we are all individuals and have different needs, and what is important is that we can meet each other where we have differences and find common ground to best support what the other person needs.
What scares you?
The inability to provide and support my family
In five years our relationship with our child’s birth mother will…
Be as inclusive, kind, communicative, and open as much as is comfortable for the birth mother. My father never knew who his father was for the last 75 years. We recently discovered who his dad was and what he looked like. To see the look on my dad's face when that puzzle piece was finally found meant the world to me. I saw a piece of his identity come into focus and it was a joy to see. Our future child should know their birth mother, but only as much as they are willing, capable, and comfortable.
Dogs or cats?
We have a wonderful dog named Tia. She is a beautiful dobberman that loves being around people and especially children. She's very affectionnate and would prefer to be cuddled next to you 24/7.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?
Peace, beauty, and endless opportunities for discovery.
Dogs or cats?
I am absolutely a dog person. I've grown up with dogs my entire life, and we have the sweetest pup who can't wait to meet their mini human.
we love having our nephews fly up to visit!
Tia is so adorable!
We’re so ready for a little one!
My favorite place in the World is...
Where ever my husband is. No matter where we travel or where we go, or what we're doing it's the best when we do it together (Yes I know SUPER cheesy answer but it's 100% true).
In five years our relationship with our child’s birth mother will…
Honestly it will be what the birth mother is most comfortable with. We know there is a huge benefit to an adopted child to be able to ask questions and know where they came from, but we also know we want to respect the mother's wishes and have her be in the know as much as she's comfortable with.
What is the best word to describe our family?
Warm - Jon and I are unabashed about our nerdiness, silliness, and playfullness. We both work very hard but at the end of the day it's what is under our noses that help keep us happy and loved.
If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Oooooh, this is a good one. Being an island boy myself, I think living on a sailboat would be amazing and go from port to port.
Playing with our god kids and their parents
family hanging in the backyard
Carl plays with a local concert band from time to time
If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...
Princess Diana - I admire her strength and kindness
My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…
We live in such a nice, quiet, and safe neighborhood. In our neighborhood alone, we have at least 4 different park areas to play in, we have amazing schools around us, with a highschool right outside our back gate. There's so much beauty where we live, and easy to travel around and always come back to home base. Our backyard is ready for a little one to run around in, and our neighbors are wonderful as well.
If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...
Honestly, at this point in my life, I would just want one more day with my Grandfather. He passed away in August of 2022, right before we were supposed to go visit and see him. COVID derailed our plans, and I missed over 2 years of time with him, since he was in Puerto Rico and I'd just want more time with him. He was my best friend and who I felt the most connected with in my family.
If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:
Tacos. Easy...
If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?
Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Not because I've been told I look like his asian doppleganger but because of his vast interests in the arts.
My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…
We intentionally moved to the Maple Valley area of western Washington because of how highly rated the school system is here. We want to provide our child every opportuntiy to have a great education.
I would never...
I would never want to become an overly disciplinary parent. Spanking will never be part of my parenting-tool box.
we had small intimate wedding over Covid. Also crowns!
our best friends and best men at our wedding
Carl’s grandma
My philosophy on parenting is...
My philosopy on parenting centers around love and logic and of course staying flexible, because as the child grows their personality will shift and evolve and we'll need to ensure we support them on their journey. Love and logic really focuses on loving the child no matter what the circumstance, and helping them grow and make their own decisions based on logic and teaching them their choices have outcomes, whether those be positive or negative. this really helps the child develop critical thinking and shows that you are supporting them rather than telling them who they should be or what they should do. Love, support, structure, and education is the foundation I believe in, to provide the child the best possible options as they grow up.
We are the best choice because…
Jon and I have a lot of love to offer a child. We both feel strongly about adopting a child and providing them a home and family where they are given opportunities and a space full of love and support. Growing up as LGBTQ+, we've both had to navigate our own unique struggles in order to discover our potential. We've both discovered and agreed that every person brings to this world something unqiue that noone else can, and we both feel we have a lot of love to give a child so that they too can discover their own uniqueness.
Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”
Good food, good family, good friend, good conversations, and a loving home
Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”
Good food, good people, and my coffee :).
Jon’s Grandma
went to visit our family in Puerto Rico over Thanksgiving
spending time with our aunts in Puerto Rico
My best friend would describe me as...
Nerdy, someone that puts others before himself, and way too nice.
My favorite place in the World is...
Hawaii because nothing can melt the stress of the world like laying in the shade by the beach with a pina colada.
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
Definitely have my faith, but overall I'd say I'm more spiritual in my faith. The relationship I have with my creator is separate from the traditional "organized religion".
My best friend would describe me as...
A Nerdy, loving, overly nice, human.
The most special thing I own is...
One of the most special things I own, are a set of old Vinyl records that were recorded by my great uncle, who was a pretty successful Jazz musician in the 40's and 50's.
What is the best word to describe our family?
Amazing. We have an amazing support system within our family and the bonus of having our "chosen" family. We couldn't ask to have better people in our lives, and this child would be ridiculously surrounded by love on all ends.
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
I grew up a non denominational born again Christian. I've come to establish my own relationship with my God. I would consider myself more spiritual than religious though.
We love watching Broadway shows!
Carl’s birthday party with friends and family
Tia enjoying the summer days
If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...
More kindness and more honest journalism
celebrating diversity, inclusion, and PRIDE!
Carl works for Wizards of the Coast and plays trumpet with Seattle Soundwave. Carl with one of his best friends at Pride
Jon marching with his company, Nintendo, and our really good friend that currently in medical school
So no one told you life was gonna be this way *clap clap clap clap*
trumpets and pajamas! Carl and our god daughter both play trumpet
Jon and our god son playing video games
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