
Meet our
Waiting Families

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"Caregiver" personality"Neighbor" personality

Angela & Cale

Home study approved

We are the best choice because…

"We're a caring stable family in love with each other for more than 20 years who are ready to take the next step and grow our family." - Angela

"Hero" personality"Caregiver" personality

Mica & Nicholas

Home study approved

If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?

"I would choose Adam Sandler because he turns every situation positive. He is funny and warm, but can be serious when needed. He has a lot of love for his family and friends." - Nicholas

"Hero" personality"Caregiver" personality

Melissa & Michael

Home study approved

Adoption Professional: Lori B. Goldheim

My best friend would describe me as...

"funny, reliable and trust worthy. I am always the first person that friends call when they need advice or a helping hand, because they know I will always be happy to help." - Michael

"Innocent" personality"Jester" personality

Hanna & Daniel

I'm super competitive when it comes to...

"Volleyball. Once a year, at our church camp, it's the guys vs. the girls, and the smack-talk is hilarious. But that's about it. Life's about more than beating someone else...except in volleyball. ;)" - Hanna

"Sage" personality"Neighbor" personality

Trina & Aaron

Home study approved

Favorite season and why?

"Fall. The changing of the trees and the colors that comes with it.. truly mesmerizing" - Trina

"Neighbor" personality"Caregiver" personality

Brandi & Charles

Home study approved

Favorite season and why?

"Fall, because I love Halloween" - Charles

"Caregiver" personality"Neighbor" personality

Molly & Jill

Home study approved

Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

"Yes, we have a daughter Josephine. She is so excited to be a big sister. She talks about it most days. She has grown up around other children in our home in Jill's childcare, and she is a great friend and gets along well with everyone." - Molly

"Caregiver" personality"Jester" personality

Justin & Nancy

Home study approved

Adoption Professional: Just Choice

Dogs or cats?

"Dogs for sure! Mostly because Justin, my mom & I are all extremely allergic! But also because our dog Kane came into our lives and now we can imagine life without him!" - Nancy

"Caregiver" personality"Neighbor" personality

Brittany & Chris

Home study approved

Adoption Professional: Paths for Families

If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

"Sushi!" - Chris

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