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Annie & Jeff
Adoption Professional: Family Network Adoption Center
I'm super competitive when it comes to...
"Board games and sports! My favorite board games are Nerts, Bang, Catan, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, and Rival Restaurants! My favorite sports to play are football, softball, golf, pickleball, and basketball!" - Jeff
Polly & Jacob
Adoption Professional: Open Adoption & Family Services
My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…
"We have lots of other families with young children around us, and great neighbors including my parents, just a few blocks away! We are within walking distance to great parks, schools, restaurants and playgrounds." - Polly
Adoption Professional: Paths for Families/Adoptions Together
Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…
"continuing to grow, feeling proud of her choices, and at peace. I hope that she knows how grateful I am and how much more love there is in the world because of this tremendous gift that she gave." - Ronda
Kate & Brian
Adoption Professional: Law Office of Jean M. Cavaliere
My best friend would describe me as...
"caring and loyal. I will do anything for the people I love. We love to help and support others and plan on instilling our love for community service in our kids too." - Brian

Anthony & Bobby
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
"I was raised Catholic, but now I identify as spiritual. I know there's something that connects us all, and I'm content to live my life honoring the beauty of life and my own personal values." - Anthony
Leslie & Kevin
Adoption Professional: Stuart & Blackwell
We are the best choice because…
"We have so much love for each other and to give. We are very fortunate for the life we have created and can't wait to have children to share it with." - Leslie
Jonathan & Carlos
Adoption Professional: Christina T. Sherman, PLLC
Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…
"Happy that she chose us to raise the baby she selflessly entrusted us with. That she has found peace in knowing she made the best decision she could for that baby, and that she is on a path that will bring her all the happiness she deserves and wants." - Jonathan
Spencer & Jacob
Adoption Professional: Adoption & Beyond
Favorite season and why?
"Fall! The colors, the leaves, the weather....and Halloween!" - Spencer
Linh & Derek
What scares you?
"I do feel that a lot of life is a series of random events and most of them is out of our control. However, I've learned to live and focus more in the moment and try my best with everything I got, and let the future unfolds itself. That way, I can reduce anxiety or fear of tomorrow and focus on what's important today." - Linh
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