Yaritza & Bryan
Bachelor’s Degree
Political Affiliation:
Not Political
Bachelor’s Degree
Graphic Designer
Political Affiliation:
Not Political
Welcome to our little corner. ❤️ We want to thank you so much for taking a moment to check out our profile and get a feel for our family and daily life. Bryan and I are really excited to become parents to a baby girl. We've been preparing for this for a long time, and I've probably been preparing for this my whole life. I've always dreamt of being a mom to a little girl. Empowering her, loving her unconditionally, encouraging her curiosity, supporting her through the ups and downs of life, and simply being that reminder that she is capable of anything. Honestly we can't imagine that this is in any way an easy decision for you, but want you to know that we will love and give her the best life. We know that in your heart you just want the best for her as well, and we'll honor as much of your presence in her life as you feel comfortable with. We can't wait to connect with you and get to know you, and will always be eternally grateful for this opportunity to become parents. Much Love!
Yaritza & Bryan
Happy 8th Anniversary to us!
Any opportunity to dance is welcomed in this family.
Taking in the moment, by ourselves, before we officially get married.
My best friend would describe me as...
A good listener, hardworker, and calm personality.
The most special thing I own is...
Pictures from my childhood with my brothers and parents. When my parents divorced I was afraid those memories were gonna get lost so I made sure to sneak out the picture albums, so someday I can share them with my kiddies.
If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?
A really nice RV so I could travel all of the United States, the ocean would be lovely if I didn't get sea sick.
What scares you?
The Florida Palmetto Bug never fails to get a shriek out of me. Im sorry but a roach should not be able to fly. Eeeek!
Wedding Shenanigans!
Go Miami Heat! He loves his Basketball and I love spending time with him.
Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”
my family, and delicious food.
If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?
George Clooney because he has a very chill attitude.
Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?
Yes I have an 18 year old daughter, and she is excited to be a big sister.
What is the best word to describe our family?
United. I know I can always count on our family for support no matter what.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?
Gratitude for life
Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”
I can't live without a hug from my husband, cuddling with Bella, getting out into nature, and sitting down with family or friends for a delicious meal.
My favorite YouTube video is: (paste the full link)
I love watching anything with these 2 they always make me laugh so hard. https://youtu.be/aHIoQfsh59w
There will be many family get togethers over delcious meals.
100% a grandma's boy!
Our little Bella loves to pull out all her toys and leave them all over the floor.
If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:
This is a hard one because I love a delicious meal, but Im gonna have to go with tacos.
My favorite Instagram account is:
I love this family and the way they choose to live their life. https://www.instagram.com/yogabeyond/
What is the best word to describe our family?
If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:
I don't believe I could choose any one food in my life. I think I would get tired of eating the samething everyday even if it were my favorite.
Even races become a fun family affair, yep the marshmallow is family too. Lol!
One of our favorite things to do on vacation is be in nature and go for hikes.
Everyone and everything deserves love.
If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...
Racism I believe we are all here to live our best life and should all recieve equal opportunities.
If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Sailboat so I can travel around the world.
What scares you?
My wife when she see's a roach.
My philosophy on parenting is...
To be patient, loving, encourage creativity & learning, and enjoy the ride.
If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?
Tiffany Amber Thiesen, I always loved her in Saved By The Bell and she seems really down to earth.
Favorite season and why?
Spring because everything is reborn.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs because they are loyal and full of love.
And more dancing, I told you we love to dance!
Even though we live in Florida, there is no Pizza like NY Pizza. Trip to the big apple to eat good food and visit our family.
There is a little Wonder Woman inside all of us!
My philosophy on parenting is...
For me it will be important to be involved and present, allowing them to explore and encouraging curiosity, while being mindful of their safety and reminding them that we are always going to do our best to listen and love them regardless of what is coming up for them in life.
In five years our relationship with our child’s birth mother will…
We would love for her to be an extension of the family, but will respect whatever she feels she needs.
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
100% Spiritual. I believe our faith and peace come from getting to know ourselves deeply and not from what others tell you to believe.
My favorite place in the World is...
My grandmothers house in Puerto Rico. She lives in the mountains where the night sky is so clear you can see all the stars, you can pick fruit right off the trees, and their is a symphony of little critters that serenade you through the night.
She's a daddy's girl all the way.
Musician for life.
We love music, all kinds of music. Here we're at a spanish rock concert.
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
Dogs or cats?
Definitely dogs. I love cuddling with Bella and it's always such a joy to come home to my squirmy little munchkin.
If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...
Cruelty towards others be it animals or humans.
Favorite season and why?
Hmmm! It's a tie between Florida winters and Fall in the north east. Florida winters provide just the right amount of warmth and coolness so you can sit outside and enjoy the day, but the fall up north is full of magnificient colors every where you turn.
My favorite Instagram account is:
Im a big fan of interior design https://www.instagram.com/thelocalproject/
I'm super competitive when it comes to...
Everything I like to challenge myself.
My best friend would describe me as...
Loving, nurturing, and very giggly.
Girls night slumber party!
Who eats more platanos Dominicans or Puerto Ricans? We're still trying to figure that out...
Soccer tryouts.
When hiking becomes a family affair.
Making a splash, wedding fun.
Getting ready to travel to Ireland with my sister and niece.
Dancing in the rain with my dad!
So much love <3
Everybody was kung fu fighting; or just trying to escape the killer mosquitos!
2 sleepy heads
Fun with my niece, isn’t she the cutest.
Helping one of our visitors find there way back home.
Morning Cafecito!
The early days of dating. I can’t believe how young we look. Lol!
Excitedly preparing to welcome a baby girl into our hearts & home.
Hanging with the Flamingos at the Aviary in Colombia
Searching for some shade in Cartagena, Colombia
Starbucks in Colombia is phenomenal!
Hiking and enjoying nature in Georgia with these cuties!.
There’s never a dish he doesn’t enjoy.
Thats one proud papa. Isnt she stunning!
Its official! Highschool grad. Next stop college.
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