
Sarah & Cole

Home Study

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Adoption Professional

Haven Adoptions

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Photograph of adoptive Family






Home study has been approved






Master’s Degree


Registered Nurse

Political Affiliation:

Lean Conservative






Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree


Junior Underwriter

Political Affiliation:

Lean Conservative

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Hi Mama! First, we want to say “thank you” for taking the time to read our letter to learn a little more about us. We can’t fully know what you are going through, but please know we so very respect you, your bravery, and your heart for your baby. It takes great courage to consider an adoption plan, and we are in awe of you. We have full confidence you will choose whoever you feel would be in the best interest of your baby to serve as your baby’s adoptive parents, and we are thinking of you in this difficult decision. Cole and I have been married for six years. You will read in our profile book about our coffeeshop love story (think Hallmark Christmas special 😊), but we will say how much we have grown in our relationship with each other these six years married. Adoption is something I have known I would be doing since I was young when I found out I cannot have biological children, and I knew whoever I married would need to be passionate about adoption too. Into my life walked Cole. Cole also has a heart for adoption, as he had an opportunity as a teen to interact with children in orphanages in Haiti while I was also interacting with children in orphanages in Mexico on missions trips, which led both of us to have a heart for adoption. When we married, Cole was fully onboard and passionate about adoption as our future, and we began this process five years ago by fundraising for a few years. We are truly so blessed by such supportive family and friends, as they are all so very excited for us to adopt. As you will see in our profile book, we have a furrbaby named Chamo (“Dude” in Venezuelan slang). I was a high school Spanish teacher for 10 years before I became a bilingual pediatric nurse, so of course he needed a Spanish name! His middle name is Guau (“Woof”)…our nieces and nephew think it is hysterical that his name is literally “Dude Woof”. He adores children and is beloved by the family and community, and is excited to be a “big brother”! We live in a small town in Central Pennsylvania. Central Pennsylvania is a lovely mix of green mountains, farm fields, adorable towns, nearby cities, and a beautiful blend of diversity. Our pool serves as one of our favorite spots to host our family, friends, and neighbors, and our pool vacuum we named Bruce (inspired by Finding Nemo) keeps it spruced up for hosting. We hope to connect with you soon, and we look forward to getting to know you! The amount of communication would be up to you and what is best for you and your preferences, but if chosen you would be a cherished part of our family. We are also more than happy to answer any additional questions you may have! Blessings to you and yours, with love,

Sarah & Cole

Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

coffee and dark chocolate! Please don't make me just choose one. ;)


My philosophy on parenting is...

showing unconditional love to my child, while helping them learn and grow as an individual.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

everyone is so friendly, even Chamo has many 'doggy friends' in the neighborhood. There are neighbors of diverse ages and backgrounds, and we love that!


Dogs or cats?

Dogs all the way. Dogs show unconditional love to the humans in their lives. Our dog Chamo is always thrilled to see Sarah and I when we come home from work. He even gives Sarah hugs when she leaves for work in the morning. Dogs remind us to be content with the things in our lives that are easy to take for granted such as meals, walking outside, playing in the backyard, and even just sitting on the couch watching T.V.


Favorite season and why?

My favorite season is summer. I love the outdoors, I love the ocean, I love swimming in our pool, I love the hot weather, I love the opportunities for adventure that summer brings each year. The days are really long, and the sunsets are picturesque.


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

my grandpa on my dad's side of the family. I never had the opportunity to meet him because he passed away prior to me being born, but he was a school district principal for many years, received a Purple Heart from getting injured driving tanks in World War II, and was a family man. Around town, when people hear my maiden last name they still sometimes say, 'Are you related to Carl? He was a great man!' I truly wish I could have dinner with him!


Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

We do not have any kids, but we do have nieces and a nephew who ask frequently, 'Aunt Sarah and Uncle Duck, when are you getting a baby?' They cannot wait to love on a little cousin, it warms our hearts!


I hope our child’s birth mother is…

realizing how brave and strong she is, and how truly loved by us she is.


What scares you?

Cockroaches. I helped chaperone a group of Spanish class students to Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands, and when we were in the Amazon Rainforest each chaperone stayed alone in an individual hut. When I was amidst my morning shower, a very unwanted visitor all of a sudden was peering back at me from the shower curtain about six inches from my face. What followed was a very loud shriek!


What is the best word to describe our family?

Warm ❤️


We are the best choice because…

Our future children will grow up in a home where mom and dad compliment each other's strengths and weaknesses, with a home full of warmth, love, and laughter for all.


I'm super competitive when it comes to...

Sports and games. My dad and I spent a lot of time growing up golfing together, playing baseball, Ping Pong, board games, etc. My dad instilled a love for winning in me from an early age. My dad never let me win at any games, and it developed a highly competitive attitude within me that continues to this day.


Dogs or cats?

Dogs! Fun fact...I told Cole before getting married that if he wanted to marry me, a stipulation is that we have to get a dog because I have never lived without a dog. Much to his surprise, that meant bringing home our furrbaby Chamo less than a month after returning from our honeymoon. Chamo is forever grateful. ;)


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

The beauty that the night sky holds is unparalleled. We are looking through a small window into an infinitely greater galaxy of stars and planets. It's incredible that God created all of that by speaking it into existence.


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

'Where is that plane going?'


I would never...

Want to do Sarah's job for a living. Working in the medical field, especially in hospitals, is a heroic profession. It takes a lot of courage to willingly sign up to be around sickness, disease, and people going through what is most likely one of the worst stages of their lives. And, since Sarah is a pediatric nurse, she has to perform her job in a hospital full of children as well. I would never want to do that job for a living!
