
Andrew & Sarah

Home Study

Home study approvedApproved

Adoption Professional

Connected by Love

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Home study has been approved






Some College


TSA Supervisor

Political Affiliation:

Lean Left






Home study has been approved






Master’s Degree


Registered Dietitian

Political Affiliation:

Lean Left


Hello from the Pacific Northwest! Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know us. We’re excited to let you see a little glimpse into our lives and show why you should consider us to be adoptive parents for your child. We met during our senior year of high school and have been together now for 14 years. We have a very tight knit circle of friends and family that are full of love and support. In our free time, you’re probably not going to find us on a hike or at a sporting event but probably snuggled up on our couch with 3 cats on our laps. Let's face it, we’re nerds. So much so that we throw a “Harry Potter” themed party every year. Early on in our relationship, we knew we both wanted kids, specifically one biological and one adopted later on. When we found out that we couldn’t have biological children without having surgery, we focused on achieving our other life goal of adoption. Honesty and loyalty are really important to us, and not only will we make sure your child knows they were adopted, but to make sure they know their birth mother gave us the most precious gift we could ever ask for-family. If you choose us to raise your child, we can promise that your child will feel safe, loved and always welcome in our hearts. We want to make sure you feel welcome in our lives too, and hope we can fit into your adoption plan, if you decide to make one. We are happy to answer any questions you have for us and can’t wait to join you on this journey.

Andrew & Sarah

I hope our child’s birth mother is…

able to stay in our lives and build a strong relationship with our child.


When we argue, what’s it about?

Usually about something silly, like how to load the dishwasher, how much water to cook a pack of ramen in, or how to spend our free time.


We are the best choice because…

we will ensure the child will learn and grow to become what they truely desire!


Favorite season and why?

Winter. I love to see and feel the cold!


Annual Harry Potter Party with friends!

Annual Harry Potter Party with friends!

Sarah graduated with her Masters

Sarah graduated with her Masters

If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Probably Mexican food. I could never get tired of it.


My favorite place in the World is...

Trillium lake at sunset near Mt Hood. It is so serene and peaceful.


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Definitely an RV. I'm allergic to the sun, and can't swim-a bad combo to live on a sailboat. Plus I prefer the mountains over the water.


Dogs or cats?

Both for different reasons. I like how playful and loyal dogs are, but cats make you work for their affection, which makes it seem more worth it. Plus cats are better cuddlers.


Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

I believe in self fulfillment and inner peace.


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

My grandparents. My dads parents passed before I was born, and my moms mother passed before I could remember anything.


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

The endless possibilities that life can provide.






Favorite season and why?

I love spring! Spring means the days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer, and new things are growning.


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

I always look for stars I recognize. I think it is crazy that by the time we see the stars, some of them may not even exist anymore.


What scares you?

Spiders and the open ocean.


Dogs or cats?

CATS! They are so fluffy!!!


Volunteering with Keizer Police Department

Volunteering with Keizer Police Department

Hosting Trivia at our Halloween Party

Hosting Trivia at our Halloween Party

Andrew and Sarah with Andrews Grandma, Aunt, and Mom

Andrew and Sarah with Andrews Grandma, Aunt, and Mom

Being silly at OMSI

Being silly at OMSI