
Colleen & Patrick

Home Study

Home study approvedApproved

Adoption Professional

adoption connection
Photograph of adoptive Family






Home study has been approved






Master’s Degree


Speech Pathologist

Political Affiliation:

Lean Left






Home study has been approved






Master’s Degree


Information Technology

Political Affiliation:

Not Political

We take every opportunity we can to go on road trips with our dog Mick

We take every opportunity we can to go on road trips with our dog Mick

Hiking in the forest is one of our happy places.  California has so many beautiful places to explore

Hiking in the forest is one of our happy places. California has so many beautiful places to explore

Summer nights outside watching movies under a blanket.

Summer nights outside watching movies under a blanket.

I hope our child’s birth mother is…



My favorite Instagram account is:

cakebycourtney I love to see all of her new cakes!


Favorite season and why?

Fall. I love the changing of the leaves and the crisp air. This is my favorite season to hike.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

We live in a very family and dog friendly neighborhood with so many parks nearby.


Waiting for trick or treaters on Halloween

Waiting for trick or treaters on Halloween

One of our favorite ways to spend summer nights is hosting friends and family in our backyard

One of our favorite ways to spend summer nights is hosting friends and family in our backyard

What is the best word to describe our family?



Dogs or cats?

Both! I grew up with cats and now have a dog that I absolutely adore!


My favorite place in the World is...

Our house. I love to travel and explore new places, but there is just something about coming back home.


If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Breakfast foods


We are the best choice because…

We have so much love to give.


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

family and friends


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

All of the people looking at the same sky.


I hope our child’s birth mother is…

open with us


Dogs or cats?

Dogs, my family raised and entered dogs into competitions growing up. Colleen and I have a miniature schnauzer, Mick.


What scares you?

Failure. I try to live by the saying "you miss all of the shots you don't take"


What scares you?



If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...

For people to be more accepting and understanding of others.


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...



Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

Love and Laughter.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

its friendly, peaceful and safe area filled with other families.


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

my grandfather who passed away prior to my birth.


Favorite season and why?

spring, the weather changes for the better, plants and trees show new life.
