
Ashley & Jess

Home Study

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Adoption Professional

Adiption Associates

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Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree


Interior Design

Political Affiliation:

Very Conservative






Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree



Political Affiliation:

Lean Conservative


Hello, if you are reading this, your whole world probably feels like it is hanging in the unknown. So many emotions. So many questions. So many decisions to make. And, to add to the weight of your stress, there are probably voices and opinions you’re trying to sort through as well. Life is hard—and it’s messy. Finding yourself in an unplanned place is scary. We get it. We’re at a place, too, that we never thought we’d be. As Christians, we’re asking God to lead us in the direction He wants us to go. For us, we feel that our family is incomplete. We feel like something—someone—is missing. We don’t know who; and we don’t know why, when, and how it will all come together, but we’re trusting it will. In our prayers, we’re also asking God to walk through this with you. You don’t have to do this alone. We don’t know you, you don’t know us, but we are on the same team: both wanting the best for the people we love. Pursuing the unknown takes courage. Thank you for considering the adoption route as an option. Our hearts are open and our arms are ready to receive whomever is sent our way. Should adoption be the route you choose to take, and if our family best meets all your hopes and dreams, we would be honored to accept the responsibility of loving your little one. With love and hope, Jess, Ashley and Kate

Ashley & Jess

Kate is ready for 1st grade! She prays for a baby brother or sister at dinner time and bedtime ♡

Kate is ready for 1st grade! She prays for a baby brother or sister at dinner time and bedtime ♡

Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

Kate dreams of being a sister - she practices this with her many close cousins and says a prayer every night (and sometimes meals) for her baby brother or sister.


What scares you?

Deffinetly FOMO - Fear of Missing Out.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

We have the best neighbors. Our quiet drive gets little traffic, even if our cars are usually muddy from the dirt road. :-/


Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

Yes. My family and I are practicing Christians. We believe in the Bible and volunteer at our local church regularly


all 3 of their hearts are so kind, compassionate and open to love ♡

all 3 of their hearts are so kind, compassionate and open to love ♡

Old souls in modern times ♡ Jess and kate are 100% in their element! Ashley loves the accessories ♡ The joy and fun is so pure ♡

Old souls in modern times ♡ Jess and kate are 100% in their element! Ashley loves the accessories ♡ The joy and fun is so pure ♡

If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...

People being kind to one another - we need more kindness.


I'm super competitive when it comes to...

my family would say everything..... life is more fun with a challange.


My philosophy on parenting is...

Focus on the endgame: Raise the adult you want to see in the future. Lots of things happen in the day-to-day life of a todder, child and teenager that aren't ultimately consequential. Conversely, things that aren't all that important for a Kindergartner are still relevent to setting the framework for a successful adult life. Managing stress, managing finances, dealing with conflict..


Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

At peace. Safe.


If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?

Reese Witherspoon? She is sweet but silly.


The most special thing I own is...

My wedding ring - passed down from Jess' grandmother and then custom designed.


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

Awe and wonder - this is actually one of my favoirte things about camping and going 'up north' - the sky is so bright and clear - looking up at it makes me so grateful for being alive.


My favorite website is (...not your Facebook page :)):

REI (outdoor gear) and Boden (classic fun styles!!!!)


Favorite season and why?

Fall - all the outdoor activities - the crisp air - the cozy outfits - everything!


If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Meat and potatoes. I have a simple palatte - can't go wrong with these!


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

My people - relationships are everything. I have an amazing supportive community of firends and family.


My favorite place in the World is...

Northern Michigan, childhood memories of family vacations, the wonder of summertime, the sparkle of the sun on the water...


What is the best word to describe our family?



In five years our relationship with our child’s birth mother will…

Comfortable. I hope we can have a balanced relationship. In my biggest dreams I would even love a friendship. I understand everyone has different needs and we would honnor her, the kiddo, before my own wants.


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

Jess - date nights are so important to me.


I hope our child’s birth mother is…

weird- I love werid and that's a compliment in our home : ) "that's so weird I love it!"


Favorite season and why?

Autumn. In Michigan, the fall colors are beautiful. (And it isn't too hot..)


When we argue, what’s it about?

Driving and directions : )


We are the best choice because…

Our family has so much love to give. Our family motto, 'the more the merrier' is practiced every day and our hearts are ready. We will lovingly walk with you through the unknown and honnor you.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

We LOVE being outside and on our cozy piece of property. We have a bike path that takes up into our little town (icecream!), room to run and play, and the best community just a call/ride away. We love to travel and see the world but we have made our home a little slice of paradise.


Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

Yes, one. Kate (6) prays for a little brother or sister. Every. Night. She even has a box of stuffies and gifts at the ready for our future family member.


If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Coffee! That counts right?
