Expectant Moms – Does Anyone…Get It?
By PairTree
November 29, 2022
1m read
As an expectant mom going through the adoption process, it is common to find yourself wondering, does anyone get it?
We want to be honest & clear right off the top – we don’t get it. We can’t – we’ve never been you, and we’ve never been through what you’re going through.
Though, it is our goal to find you people & resources who do get it.
Feeling isolated and misunderstood is awful. Especially when you are in the midst of a huge life decision. We want to remind you that there are many other expectant mothers on PairTree right now, right alongside you.
In this emotional video, birth mother Melissa Link shares her story, and highlights how important it is to find support.
Some Ways to Find Support During the Adoption Process
Find an online support group.
There are several (and might even be some in-person groups in your area). We recommend checking here at Knee to Knee (Ashley Mitchell‘s Lifetime Healing Foundation)!
Find a therapist or other mental health specialist.
If you have the resources to find one on your own, that’s great! If not, always feel safe to bring it up with the adoptive family you’re working with. Many are more than happy to provide mental health counseling.
Reach out to people in your life.
Worried that they won’t be sensitive to what you need at this time? Totally understandable. Maybe try sending them this article. It may help them better understand how to be supportive.
Are you a trailblazer? Start your own support group!
Interested in starting your own group, but don’t know where to start? Find some helpful tips here.
Like we said… we don’t get it. But we want to come as close as we can.
Expectant Mother Resources
Lifetime Healing Foundation
Programing that supports the mental health of women who have experienced trauma.
Knee to Knee
Knee to Knee is a post-placement support care network.
On Your Feet Foundation
Dedicated to providing support to all sides of the triad.
Expectant Mom FAQ: Do I Get Paid For Adoption?
For questions about the financial aspects of adoption.
Expectant Mom FAQ: Do I Need an Attorney?
Information about legal help can be found here.
Leanna Lee Johnson Podcast
Feel like getting cozy on the couch and listening to a podcast? Go here to listen to birth mom Leanna Johnson Lee talk through her experience. Disclaimer: some content in the podcast may be triggering for some people (depression, references to self harm).
PairTree PairTree is an adoption enablement platform that provides connections to the services families need to healthily navigate private adoption.