
Sarah & Karla

Home Study

Home study approvedApproved

Adoption Professional

Open Arms Adoption Agency

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Photograph of adoptive Family






Home study has been approved






Trade School


Credentialing Specialist

Political Affiliation:

Not Political





Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree


State Employee

Political Affiliation:

Not Political


We want to take the opportunity to let you know that by choosing adoption it shows bravery and courage. We may not be able to fully relate to the situation you are faced with but we can understand and appreciate choosing love for your child. Additionally, we know how challenging it must be to find a family that best meets the vision you have for your child. It must be hard to scroll through profiles while asking yourself “Will my child be happy and loved by them?” As a family, all we can do is provide details of who we are, paint a portrait of our lives, and hope that we check all the boxes of what you picture as the perfect home. We would make great parents and love your child as much as you would. Your child would grow up in a safe and stable home. Their life will be filled with love, support, and lots of opportunities to explore their admirations and dreams. We are a family that loves to travel, learn new things, and prioritize our mental health. We have holiday traditions that we would love to share with your child. Every Christmas season we watch holiday movies, make hot cocoa, and go see Christmas lights all over town. We make an effort to maintain solid relationships with our families. Since the day our niece and nephew were born we have made it a priority to show up in their lives. We feel your child would fit right into our family because of how open and loving our family is. We can assure you that you will be spoken about with respect and love. Thank you for taking the time to view our family but more importantly thank you for your strength.

Sarah & Karla

We love to hike. We were at Cedar Breaks Monument with our dog Luna.

We love to hike. We were at Cedar Breaks Monument with our dog Luna.

Traveling is something we try to do at least once a month. We were in Sedona here.  We travel here at least once a year.

Traveling is something we try to do at least once a month. We were in Sedona here. We travel here at least once a year.

Sarah love's photography. Everywhere she goes she's snapping photos.

Sarah love's photography. Everywhere she goes she's snapping photos.

If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

any pasta dish


I hope our child’s birth mother is…

Aware that she has a story, that this decision isn't looked at by the adoptive parents as an easy decision. That she is courageous, caring, and a wonderful person for choosing this path for their story.


My best friend would describe me as...

loving, open minded, adventurous, and humorous.


Dogs or cats?

Dogs for sure. I grew up with dogs being part of the family. They are just so loving and loyal. We don't deserve them.


Karla and Luna enjoying a day out on the Colorado River.

Karla and Luna enjoying a day out on the Colorado River.

Sarah and our nephew James in Salt Lake City.

Sarah and our nephew James in Salt Lake City.

Karla and our niece Kali. Spending time with our favorite tiny humans means to much to us both.

Karla and our niece Kali. Spending time with our favorite tiny humans means to much to us both.

Favorite season and why?

Fall is my favorite season. The cool weather, changing leaves, and yummy treats. It's just a beautiful time of year.


The most special thing I own is...

my spouses heart


If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?

Michelle Rodriguez because she plays roles portraying women who are strong, selfless, and determined.


We are the best choice because…

we have so much love to give and a great support system.


If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...



When we argue, what’s it about?

We argue about our different views and ways of thinking on certain topics. Our solution is to listen to one another, understand ones view, and compromise.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

there are lots of parks within walking distance and we have a great elementary school near us.


So much love to give.

So much love to give.

Sarah(on the left) and Karla(on the right) at Red Rock Canyon.

Sarah(on the left) and Karla(on the right) at Red Rock Canyon.

What is the best word to describe our family?

Supportive. We are always cheering each other on through the good times and bad. We know we can always count on each other.
