Kate & Jason
Adoption Professional
Some College
Political Affiliation:
Lean Conservative
Some College
Buisness Owner
Political Affiliation:
Prefer not to say
Our story is not the most important one here. Yours is. What lead you to this decision likely has many layers to it and although we don't know those details today, what we do know is that you are this child's first and most special mom. That will never change. In our family, first parents will always be honored in words and action. There are a lot of wonderful couples who would be fantastic adoptive parents and we hope that you will explore your options thoroughly. If our family seems like the best choice for you, we celebrate that and look forward to answering your questions so that you can be sure. We have adopted twice before and take this very seriously, especially when it comes to making sure that you feel seen, valued, supported and advocated for. No matter what, we are FOR YOU and it would be our honor to stand in your corner if you’d like for us to be there. It takes a lot of courage to explore your options and open yourself up to others in this way. You are trusting strangers to be honest in their heartfelt notes and representation of who they are, and we assure you that we will always keep it real...even when life is hard and messy, which we aren't strangers to. There’s nothing easy about the decision you are making and without having met you, we are already in awe of your bravery, tenacity and love for your child. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to share our story with you. We hope to have the privilege of learning yours as well and we welcome any questions you might have.
Kate & Jason
Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…
Supported and surrounded by love. I hope that it doesn't take a few years for that to happen for her, and that she will know that she can count on us no matter what she's up against in life. We will always have her back, if she wants us to.
Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?
Yes, we have four awesome, funny, kind, adventurous kids! They are all close in age (three pre-teens and one teen!) which is so much fun. Our two oldest children are biological and our two youngest are adopted. All four of them are thrilled to have another sibling! They talk about it every day and are excited to be in a different stage of life than a new baby will be. They have a lot of ideas about how they'll be helpful, how they'll bond with a new sibling, and what growing up with a much younger sibling will be like. Our kids have huge hearts and they are so ready to welcome home another sibling!
If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?
RV! I like to explore nature, go on hikes, and do a lot of land activities. Our family spent a year fixing up an old, small camper when our kids were a little younger. We left our jobs, sold our home and hit the road for a few years. It was the best! I'd love to travel for extended periods of time that way again someday, but we will need a bigger camper for these big kids.
My philosophy on parenting is...
To refuse small love and stay flexible. We have now parented from infancy to teen-land and every day is a new adventure. My priorities as a mom are to be intentional with our kids, to listen well, help them feel seen and heard, to support them in their passions and their struggles, and to be their safe person when they need to talk. I don't always get this right, but I've found that when I stay close to my commitment to refuse small love, big and beautiful things happen in our family. I'm crazy about our kids and it is an honor to walk alongside them in life!
If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...
More kindness, less hate.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs all day long. Cats are cute and I enjoy them in small doses when visiting friends who have them, but - much to our daughter's disappointment - we will never own one. We have a mini schnauzer named Opie. He is a hot mess express. His personality is outrageously funny, he is like velcro because everything sticks to him, and he is such a sweet little lover boy who enjoys adventures as much as we do. We are convinced that Opie thinks he's a human. He is great with kids, probably because he thinks he is one! One thing that's cool about Opie is that he doesn't shed...unlike cats.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?
We are fortunate to live near a Dark Sky Park where there's very little light pollution and we get to see the Northern Lights quite often. When I see them, I am in awe and wonder. We also camped beneath the milky way in Utah a few years ago and that is one of our favorite memories as a family. We all find the sky to be so beautiful and fascinating!
Favorite season and why?
I like all four seasons. I love to be outside in nature and we live in an area where we can do that all year long, which is great! When we lived in California, we didn't talk about the weather or the seasons this much. Now that we live in Michigan, it's a daily topic. I guess we are typical Midwesterners now, but I think it's fun that everybody here appreciates the seasons as much as our family does.
My philosophy on parenting is...
Connection over rules and rigid expectations. I spent a lot of time coaching and leading teenagers before becoming a dad and what I learned from my students was that having a solid and safe connection with them was so much more important than giving them a list of rules. Boundaries, rules and expectations have their place and they are important but everything starts with connection. I have a close relationship and unique bond with each of our kids because of what I learned from working with teens all those years ago.
What is the best word to describe our family?
Big-hearted. We try to be welcoming and encouraging to others, no matter the circumstances. If we can bring a little joy into someone's day and help them feel loved and cared for, we can sleep well at night. Our family cares a lot about others and as a dad, I'm proud of their big hearts.
My favorite place in the World is...
Anywhere in nature with my family. I like to be under a blanket on a chilly day with the fire roaring, watching an outdoor movie with our kids. I also love coffee dates with friends, sinking my toes into the warm sand at the local beach while I watch my family play in the water, and I love to go on long walks with my husband. I guess you could say that my favorite place is where my loved ones are!
I would never...
Own a cat.
I hope our child’s birth mother is…
Supported through this entire process. This has to be one of the most vulnerable and difficult decisions to make in life. We will never take advantage of the position you are in. You have my word.
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
My faith is important to me. I am a practicing Christian. In our family, faith is not required or forced. It is an intimate and individual choice.
If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Although I love the water and think it would be fun to explore the world by sea, I would totally live in an RV for the rest of my life. In fact, our family lived in an RV for nearly three years and traveled the country. We met so many wonderful people from all walks of life, learned a lot about the hisotry and geography of our country, and had the most incredible adventures together! Because we have quite a bit of practice at living small and on the road, it would be easy (and fun!) to embrace RV living for the rest of my life.
If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:
BBQ'd meat, grilled or smoked... with friends and family hanging out together, having a good time while a few of us grill.
We are the best choice because…
We might not be the best choice or right fit for you, and we honor that. There are a lot of wonderful couples who would be fantastic parents and we hope that you will explore your options thoroughly. If our family seems like the best choice, we celebrate that and look forward to spending time getting to know you so that you can be sure. We have adopted twice before so if you ever want to chat or need support (even if you've decided on another family for your child), please don't hesitate to reach out. We are FOR you and it would be our honor to be a resource and support.
My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…
We live in a wooded area with rolling hills, wildlife, trails, two lakes within biking distance, and access to indoor/outdoor pools. We have the sweetest neighbors who are generous, fun to spend time with, and embracing of our family. Several of our closest friends live nearby and our kids bike back and forth all the time. We are fortunate to have such a wonderful, trusted, safe community of friends nearby! My in-laws followed us to Michigan from California and they moved into our neighborhood so we get to spend a lot of time together. Sometimes we talk about moving to some acreage and as much as the space would be nice, we can't bring ourselves to leaving our neighborhood. It's really special here.
I would never...
Jump out of an airplane. I've flown a plane and I know better than to dive out of one...like my husband has! He has also jumped off cliffs into rivers, put his hands in the air on rollercoasters like an absolute maniac (who lets go like that?!), and has ziplined through countless forests. I like to stand at a safe distance away, holding the first aid kit while hollering, "Go honey!" I like adventures, but I also like solid ground.
Favorite season and why?
We moved from the middle of California where we didn't have seasons to Northern Michigan where we have all four. It has been like going from black and white television to full color! Each season is so exciting and fun and I love the variety! My family teases me because each time the seasons change, it's all I can talk about. I gush over the beauty and sometimes I'll even holler at nature, "You have no idea how cool you are!" Our kids think I'm nuts. That's okay, I'm glad they get to grow up with all four seasons!
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
Yes, I am a Christian.
I hope our child’s birth mother is…
Open to big families. I understand that it might be overwhelming to consider a family that's established and full of kids. It might seem like we have more than enough gong on, or you might worry that your child won't receive the resources, attention and love that they need but in our home, love is the boss of us and it's an endless resource. We have spent the last seven years building our business, which has allowed for me to stay home with the kids. Jason works from home and is engaged in our daily activities, offering help and support to the kids at a moment's notice. We have worked incredibly hard to prioritize our family and we are prepared to welcome another child into our hearts and home. We've got four big kids who will make your baby the center of their world, and we have some of the greatest friends who are involved in our daily lives in the most present and encouraging ways. We want you to know that your child will be so loved by so many and, if you'd like to count yourself as our family too, we would be thrilled and deeply honored.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?
That we are a small part of a big unverse.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs! They make for great hiking buddies, kayaking buddies, and work day buddies. Dogs are man's best friend for a reason. Our dog Opie is everybody's best friend. He can't make up his mind about who he loves most but we all know that it's whoever says, "treat" first.
I'm super competitive when it comes to...
Board and lawn games. I might not win them all, but I bring all the fun and energy (which is a distraction technique, btw). For my bachelorette party, all I wanted to do was play board games with my friends. That sounded way more fun to me than going out. We played Pretty Pretty Princess three times and I dominated! They still talk about it. I love playing games with our family and friends and I'm thankful that they humor my intensity.
What is the best word to describe our family?
Teamwork! There are a lot of words that come to mind when I think about our family but at the core of who we are, we are a team. When life gets challenging, we navigate it together. When one person is feeling down or is struggling with something, we come alongside them as a team to offer support. When one kid has a sports game, science fair or any orther special event, the whole family is there to cheer them on! We choose each other, always. We are each other's biggest fans. We go together...and together is our favorite place to be. We truly are a little team and I love that about us.
My favorite place in the World is...
If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...
I would put an immediate end to human trafficking. Before starting our family, I went to Thailand for a summer where I worked with women and children who had been trafficked into labor in the hill tribes and into the red light districts in the cities. That experience lit a fire in me and made me all the more protective of those who are vulnerable. There are a lot of things I'd like to change about the world, but I'd start with human trafficking.
Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…
thriving in life and relationships.
If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:
Mexican food. I'm not very adventurous with food but I can always count on a plate of rice and beans to satisfy me! Our favorite local Mexican restaurant knows my order by memory and I'm not sure if I should be proud of that, but I sure do love to eat there!
Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”
My family (is that too cheesy?). There are a lot of comforts I appreciate having (I'm pretty attached to my flip-flops that I wear in all seaons) but I'm a family guy to the core and would have a hard time if I had to live without them.
My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…
It's family friendly. There's a lot of nature but we are never far from others. There are hiking and biking trails nearby, as well as two lakes. We are also close to town, which is very family friendly and always has something fun going on.
My best friend would describe me as...
Kind and generous, with a servant's heart.
If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...
My great grandmother. She had the greatest influence on my childhood and the older I get, the more I appreciate everything she did to make me feel so loved and secure. She provided stability and safety to me as a little girl and later, when I became a teen, I turned to her for advice and encourgament. She was a really special lady and I'd love to share a meal with her one more time to catch her up on my life, share stories about our children, and show her what her incredible legacy of big love looks like now.
The most special thing I own is...
My grandfather's conductor baton. He was a high school music director for several decades. He dedicated his life to music, teenagers, and community.
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