

Home Study

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Adoption Professional

Adoptions Together

Social Media

Photograph of adoptive Family






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Master’s Degree


Mental Health Therapist

Political Affiliation:

Very Liberal

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Although we haven’t met, it means so much to me that you are taking the time to get to know me. I strongly believe that every person’s story is powerful and sacred, and I am so grateful that you have taken the time to learn mine. If you grant me the tremendous honor of sharing in your child’s life, I promise that you and your story would be respectfully and lovingly intertwined with my own. I also promise to love that child with all my heart and build a life for them that is full of warmth, laughter, and belonging.


If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Chocolate chip cookies! Not only are they delicious but I also love to bake and chocolate chip cookies are my go-to choice for baking. I have so many memories baking cookies with my mom and sisters and have continued the tradition with my nephews.


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

Looking at the night sky is a very peaceful and grounding experience for me. It always makes me think of looking at stars at the beach with my mom when I was a kid.


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

My friends and family! My community of loved ones is so important to me and fill my life with fun and connection.


I would never...

I would never choose to stop learning. I hope to always be someone who makes an effort to learn more about different people and cultures, and even myself. Choosing to stay curious about the world helps us to constantly grow and be more accepting of others.


My favorite place in the World is...

There’s a specific spot in Ireland that is my favorite place in the world. My grandmother was from Ireland and I have many relatives there. When I go to Ireland, it is all about connection, not only to the relatives I’m visiting and the family I’m traveling with, but also to my family’s history. The first time I went, I felt such a strong connection to my grandmother and her home.


My philosophy on parenting is...

As a mental health therapist, I’ve learned so much about children and parenting and I think one of the most important things I’ve learned that has impacted my philosophy on parenting is to be present. While every child is different and will have different needs and ways of connecting, figuring that out and meeting those needs starts with being present- emotionally, mentally, and physically. It, of course, won’t always be easy, but when parents are able to start from a place of presence and connection, everything else follows.


What is the best word to describe our family?

Loud. We love loudly and whole heartedly. Our celebrations are loud. Our stories are loud. Our loyalty and affection towards each other is loud. Our games and songs and parties are always loud and chaotic and fun.


I'm super competitive when it comes to...

Board games and card games! Growing up with two older sisters, being competitive in games became an art form! Even as adults, our game nights can get pretty wild.


Favorite season and why?

I love Fall because it feels peaceful and cozy and the excitement of the holidays are coming soon. My family always does fun things in the Fall, so it is a time of connection and joy for me.


The most special thing I own is...

I have a collection of Christmas ornaments from my godparents that are very special to me. Every year since I was born, my godparents have given me an ornament and it is so meaningful to me because I am so grateful for the relationship I have with them. They are such supportive and loving people, and the ornaments from them are a beautiful reminder of our bond.


If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?

Melissa McCarthy. She is quirky and heartfelt and if she played me in a movie, I’d probably get to meet her!


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

I grew up in this neighborhood and my parents still live just a few minutes away from me. The community is very diverse and inclusive and has a ton of festivals and fun activities for families.


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

A sailboat. My family is very much oriented around the water and I have so many great childhood memories of spending time at the beach or out sailing on the bay.


We are the best choice because…

I have spent a lot of time thinking about the kind of parent I want to be and have been as intentional as possible in my approach to this incredible undertaking. My family, my home, and my whole life are ready to welcome a baby and raise a child. I will approach parenting with openness, gratitude, and a sense of humor and will strive to always honor you and your journey. I have an incredible support system and a close knit family, who are ready to welcome a child with open arms.
