
Mark & Deanna

Home Study

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Adoption Professional


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Photograph of adoptive Family






Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree


Transportation Engineer

Political Affiliation:

Prefer not to say





Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree


Registered Nurse

Political Affiliation:

Prefer not to say

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To the Brave and Courageous Mothers Considering Adoption, We want to start by acknowledging your strength. We understand that the decision you are making is incredibly tough, and we respect whatever choice is best for you. You are incredibly brave, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Thank you for considering adoption. By choosing this path, you are giving the gift of life to a family, and that is an incredibly selfless act driven by pure love for your child. It's important to us that your child knows the depth of your love for them. If you choose us, your child will be welcomed into a safe and loving home. They will gain an older sibling right from the start and, of course, parents who cherish and adore them. We absolutely love being parents and we are so ready to share that love with another addition to our family. As a mother, we respect you. We are committed to being open with our child about their birth mother, who is no doubt a brave and selfless woman. We want our child to be proud of the woman who gave them the opportunity to live this life with us. Your presence in our lives, in whatever way you find fitting, is deeply respected and valued. We do not know you yet, but please know that we think of you and pray for you every day. We think of the courageous woman who will become such a huge part of our lives, and we want to be there for you in any way we can.

Mark & Deanna

We love weekends at the lake!

We love weekends at the lake!

We love exploring!

We love exploring!

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

I love watching the sunset over the pond in our backyard! It reminds me of how magical the world is and appreciative of all the things/people in my life.


My philosophy on parenting is...

Parenting is all about growth. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is our responsibility to constantly support our children as they learn, grow, and evolve (and we grow with them). Instilling proper values, we encourage children to embrace their true selves and develop into the individuals they are meant to be.


I'm super competitive when it comes to...

Everything. I love competing and challenging myself; I love sports!


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

Our small town is rooted in family values. In our community everyone knows each other, looks out for one another, and has a high moral standard. It’s the perfect place for raising children.


Uncle Andy's Wedding!

Uncle Andy's Wedding!



Fun in the snow!

Fun in the snow!

The most special thing I own is...

Our gym! I don’t have any prized material possessions, but owning and operating our gym brings us an enormous sense of pride and fulfillment. Being able to help others and run a successful business is truly rewarding for us.


Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

happy. I hope our birth mom can look back on the decsion she made and feel confident she made the right choice. I hope she knows how much we respect her. We will forver be grateful for our birth mom.


My favorite place in the World is...

On top of a mountain. I love hiking and being in nature; There’s an incredible sense of accomplishment when you conquer a mountain.


Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

Happy. Happy with her decision, happy with her life, and happy for the life she’s given to her child.


Dogs or cats?

Dogs! We love our dog, Rocksy. She is a mini goldendoodle and she is super gentle. She allows our son to constantly chase her around the house.


Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

We have one son. His name is Will. He is 3 years old and we loved him more than anything! He is so ready to be a big brother. He likes to play "baby" and feed a bottle to his toys.


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

RV! I would love to take an RV, travel across the US, and visit all the National Parks!


Fun at the zoo!

Fun at the zoo!

Lake :)

Lake :)



What is the best word to describe our family?

Loving. We are a very close and active family. Since having our son we have focused on giving him the best life possible. We never want to miss a moment with him and we love wathing him grow. We so hope to be able to make him a big brother and add another family member to share our love with.


My best friend would describe me as...

Positive. I approach everything with an optimistic outlook, always focusing on the bright side. I believe in the power of hard work and place my trust in God.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

it is a very close knit community. We live in a small town that is very supportive. Everyone is always willing to help out anyone in need or support the community.


Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

Yes, we have a son, Will, who will be 3 in August. He loves playing with his cousins and can’t wait to be a big brother!




Vacation at the beach

Vacation at the beach

Will loves to "fly"

Will loves to "fly"

If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

RV! I love visiting national parks, hiking, and exploring new places!


Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

Yes, I consider myself religious. I firmly believe in God and trust that everything unfolds according to His plan for our lives.


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

my family! Any day spent with my family is the best! I look forward to coming home to my husband and son everyday. We also love getting together with our parents and siblings. Watching the cousins get together and play warms my heart!


I hope our child’s birth mother is…

Aware of how strong she is. The selfless decision you are making is not easy. You are truly strong and brave, and we’re here to support you in whatever way possible.


Dogs or cats?

Dogs: They love us unconditionally!


Favorite season and why?

Summer! I love the warm weather, swimming in the pond, and spending weekends up at the lake in Michigan with family!


My favorite place in the World is...

any place with mountains! I love hiking!
