

Home Study

Home study approvedApproved

Adoption Professional

Pathways For Families
Photograph of adoptive Family






Home study has been approved


Washington D.C.




Master’s Degree


Chief of Staff for International Affairs

Political Affiliation:

Lean Left


Thank you for taking time to view my profile. I have always had a profound desire to be a mom. I cannot wait to care for a child the way that my loved ones have cared for me and to build on the legacy of the generations before me. While I had always imagined I would embark on this journey with a partner—and have long waited to meet the right person—I am ready to move forward (and remain open to eventually finding a partner). I know that raising a child as a single parent is far from easy, but I feel firmly supported by my village of family and friends, including some who have adopted children and will be amazing resources. One of the things I appreciate most about my family is our diverse heritage. My mother is White, and my father is Black. Being biracial is a major part of my identity and something that I have always considered special. Because this aspect of my identity is so central to who I am, I hope to adopt a biracial baby and to connect with her through this shared experience. I will encourage and give her space to explore who she is and will celebrate and fully embrace the person she becomes.


Camel trek in the Sahara Desert

Camel trek in the Sahara Desert

kayaking on the bay with my best friend from childhood.

kayaking on the bay with my best friend from childhood.

A day at the ballpark with family to cheer on my cousin at her softball game

A day at the ballpark with family to cheer on my cousin at her softball game

If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Definitely a sailboat! I love being on the water. When I was growing up, my best friend and I learned to sail a small boat that we would take out each summer for adventures on the river.


My favorite place in the World is...

Too hard to pick just one...Australia, Brazil, Haiti and France are among my favorites. I love the cultures and way of life in each.


Dogs or cats?

Dogs (my French Bulldog, Lola, agrees)


If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Pepperoni pizza! Maryland Blue Crabs are a close second.


my mom, dad, and brothers at my nephew's first birthday party. I didn't inherit the talk gene!

my mom, dad, and brothers at my nephew's first birthday party. I didn't inherit the talk gene!

Heading home after lunch with friends and their brilliant, hilarious kids, who keep me laughing and on my toes.

Heading home after lunch with friends and their brilliant, hilarious kids, who keep me laughing and on my toes.

Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

I consider myself to be religious and spiritual. My Christian faith underlies my values. I'm not perfect, but I try to do what is right and treat others how I want to be treated. While I plan to raise a child in the Christian faith, I believe it is important to give kids the opportunity to learn about other religions so that they can decide their beliefs and appreciate the beauty of all faiths that are rooted in love.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

My neighborhood is a close-knit, diverse community that cares about each other. There are tons of kids and progressive families. Everything we need is in walking distance; beautful green parks and playgrounds, museums, libraries, art classes, horseback riding trails, a zoo, pool, and planetarium. One of the reasons I chose this neighborhood was because of the bilingual school, which has an excellent reputation. Students are taught in English and Spanish and eventually become fluent.


Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

I don't have kids, but do have a 5-year old niece and 1-year old nephew nearby. They (and the rest of my family) are very much hoping to welcome a new baby soon.


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

Gratitude and awe for the splendor of God's creation. I immediately feel soothed and centered.


My and niece playing my grandmother's piano

My and niece playing my grandmother's piano

Graduation with my parents

Graduation with my parents

Visiting a vineyard with friends

Visiting a vineyard with friends

Celebrating with friends at their wedding

Celebrating with friends at their wedding

Teaching my friends' kids a very important to pick crabs!

Teaching my friends' kids a very important to pick crabs!

Pedicure for my niece

Pedicure for my niece

A day on the water with cousins

A day on the water with cousins

My sweet and sassy Frenchie, Lola

My sweet and sassy Frenchie, Lola

Picnicking with friends

Picnicking with friends

Training an inspiring group of workers in Haiti about their rights at the workplace

Training an inspiring group of workers in Haiti about their rights at the workplace

Home sweet home

Home sweet home