Henry & Kimberly
Home Study
Adoption Professional
Ph.D. or higher
Political Affiliation:
Prefer not to say
Master’s Degree
Political Affiliation:
Prefer not to say
Thank you for taking the time to read our profile and learn a bit about us! We wish you well in your pregnancy journey and we hope you find the support you need and that you are at peace with whatever decision you ultimately make. We are Kimberly and Henry, high school sweethearts who have been married since 2017. We both work as scientists; Kim works at a large pharmaceutical company and Henry works at a small local chemical company. We live in a historic neighborhood that has a small-town feel, complete with corner store, a small park with a playground, and regular community events. Positioned on the corner, our house is 130 years old with a sizable backyard where we like to sit and talk with neighbors passing by. Our dog Phineas loves our backyard! Phin is a big poodle mix who loves to be outside in the yard or on a walk around the neighborhood, you will always find him glued to Kim's side wherever she goes. We choose to spend our free time walking, reading, playing with Phin, hanging out with friends, and visiting our families. We routinely volunteer at our church, visit Kim's family in the mountains or down the shore, spend time at Henry's parent's pool, go on camping trips with friends, and we love to cheer on the Eagles whenever they are playing! Before we were ready to start a family, we knew we were called to pursue adoption. Now that we feel ready, we hope to expand our family with biological children and with adopted children, we plan to adopt no matter what. Any baby placed in our care would know no limit of love, support, and attention. We are so looking forward to raising a little one to enjoy life, learn all about the world around them, and be a force for good. We are already praying for the future child, and we don't ever plan to stop praying for their well-being and for the well-being of their birth family. Whatever level of openness you decide to have, we will always speak of you in a positive light and assure the child that their birth parents made a loving choice. Thank you for reading our profile and we hope to connect with you soon! Sincerely, Kimberly and Henry
Henry & Kimberly
We spend lots of time on the beach when visiting Kim's family
There is no shortage of laughter in our home
Phin loves finding a new trail
My favorite Instagram account is:
My best friend would describe me as...
Kim is one of my favorite people. She is committed to living a life that is honoring to God and to those around her. She is generous with her time and resources and she is trusted and respected within our friend groups and within her family. She has a strong support system of people who will be eager to come alongside her and her future children. -- From Elizabeth McLaverty
If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?
An RV for sure. I don't even know how to sail!
What scares you?
Being stuck in small spaces!
We never say no to ice cream!
Kim's family
If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:
Favorite season and why?
Winter! The cold makes me appreciate a warm blanket so much more!
Dogs or cats?
Dogs, that's an easy one! Nothing beats the joy a dog greets you with when you come home.
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
Yes, I take my faith very seriously and am constantly praying and leaning on my faith during this adoption journey. I am praying that the right match is a clear decision, and that the baby and birth mom are both safe and healthy throughout the pregnancy. I also pray that the birth parents feel adequately supported during this time and that that support can continue after placement through an open adoption relationship.
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
Yes! My faith is very important to me. I pray, read my Bible, and attend church regularly. I even lead a Bible study with Kim!
If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:
What scares you?
Whales... It's an irrational fear, I know! But they are sooo big!
Hiking with friends
Visiting the cows at a local farm and ice cream shop
If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...
My Grandmother. She passed away when I was in high school but her husband, my Poppop, is still alive and almost 101 years old! I would want her to know that we are all doing well and that we miss her.
Favorite season and why?
SUMMER! I love the warmer weather and the busyness the season brings. We make many trips down the shore to visit my parents, plan trips with friends, and go on our annual camping trip with Henry's family as well as spend time by their pool! This is the season where we spend most of our free time outside soaking up the sun.
My best friend would describe me as...
"Henry is a man of great perseverance and steadfastness. He puts the utmost effort into whatever he is involved with, and he is tenderhearted towards those in need. His humble heart is a breath of fresh air and invites trust from others." -- From Robert Larew
I hope our child’s birth mother is…
We already know our child's birthmother is brave for choosing adoption. We hope she is loving and compassionate and open to having an ongoing relationship with her adopted child and their adoptive family.
We love our new house!
Go Birds!
Henry recently graduated with his PhD
We are the best choice because…
Any baby placed in our care would know no limit of love, support, and attention. We are so looking forward to raising a little one to enjoy life, learn all about the world around them, and be a force for good. We are already praying for the future child, and we don't ever plan to stop praying for their well-being and for the well-being of their birth family. Whatever level of openness you decide to have, we will always speak of you in a positive light and assure the child that their birth parents made a loving choice.
Dogs or cats?
Definitely dogs. Their love and loyalty is unmatched!
My favorite place in the World is...
So far it's the National Parks in Utah, but there is much more of the world to see still!
My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…
It has a small town feel, where neighborhood kids can meet up at the park to play!
Annual trip to pick out our Christmas tree
Nap trapped by our nephew Hudson
Trip to Arches National Park
Visiting Kim's sister in the mountains
Phineas babsitting his cousin
Celebrating our nephews first birthday
Trip to Zion National Park
Camping trip with friends
Our wedding day
Where you will find us at the end of each day
Snuggles from our nephew
Henry watching the snow from our bedroom
Music time with Phin providing the vocals
Decorating our Christmas tree
Annual camping trip with Henry's family
Henry's family
Henry's family
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