
Kaylee & Kelton

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Church of Jesus Christ of LDS


Bachelor’s Degree


high school teacher

Political Affiliation:

Lean Right






Home study has been approved




Church of Jesus Christ of LDS


Bachelor’s Degree


medical student

Political Affiliation:



Hi! We are the Kearsleys! We love meeting new people and can’t wait to meet you! As of right now our little family consists of the two of us although we are backed by very large extended families on both sides. Kaylee is the oldest of 9 children and Kelton is the oldest of 4 boys. To add to that we have a ton of aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins that we are also very close which adds to the fun! Family is everything to us! Kelton is from a small town in Idaho where he was born and raised on the family farm. He loved his up-bringing and learned how to work hard at an early age feeding cows, chickens, pigs and horses. Kaylee grew up in Maryland about an hour away from Washington DC. She loved her long road trips across the country with her family. While growing up she also gained a love for volleyball. We met at a college activity making origami dinosaurs. It was love at first YouTube tutorial! It took Kelton about a month to get up the courage to ask Kaylee out, but since our first date, we have been pretty much inseparable since! In all honesty, it’s hard to find things we don’t like to do, especially if we’re together. We are always down for an adventure! We enjoy doing anything from chasing mountain lions on snowmobiles to taking our kayak and paddle board on any lake we can find. We enjoy being outside, playing sports, playing and listening to music, eating ice cream, spending time with friends and family, seeing the world, as well as cooking and trying new foods. We love the big adventures as well as the little ones. It’s our belief that a good life is made up of small perfect moments like licking the mixing beaters after making something, going on a walk together, playing a card game or two, having a great conversation while going on a drive, or having picnic and roasting s’mores on a summer night. Kaylee is currently a high school physics/science teacher and is highly loved by her students. Kelton is currently a medical student training to be an oncologist (cancer doctor) some day. We love the life we have built together but we still feel a big hole in our lives. We hope that by growing our family through adoption we will be able to fill that hole we feel. We look forward to meeting and connecting with people in this journey and hope to have the opportunity to meet you!🤍

Kaylee & Kelton

"She's a very cute moose, Makes all the boy moose go WAAAAAHHH" -Princes Diaries

"She's a very cute moose, Makes all the boy moose go WAAAAAHHH" -Princes Diaries

What is the best word to describe our family?

Lively! I like to think that we are pretty young still with a lot of energy which I think makes us pretty fun! we are always down to do something fun!


Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

Absolutely. My faith has helped me overcome a lot and is a huge part of who I am.


If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Probably tacos! they are so versatile and addictive! It’s also a pretty balanced meal. you get your veggies, proteins, grains, and everything all rolled up in a taco shell!


Dogs or cats?

I would prefer dogs because I feel like they are always so happy to see you when ever you walk through the door. I grew up with dogs and they always made me feel like I mattered. Every morning they would be at my door ready to say hi while they wagged their tail and gave me a big smile 😃


Favorite season and why?

I love fall; the sweaters, the scents, the pumpkin-flavored everything, it all makes me happy!


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

ice-cream! its my comfort food!


My philosophy on parenting is...

show them how much you care and be an example. you can’t expect your kids to do things that you yourself don’t do.


Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

I would say I am both religious and spiritual. I have had some difficult times in my life which I have been able to overcome as I relied on God.


What scares you?

having one of my family members suffer from a serious medical condition and me as a doctor not being able to do anything to help them.


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

RV! We would love to travel and see the world and I don’t think I could do a boat all the time. Too much rocking for me


Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

close with us! we would love to have a relationship with her if that is what she chooses! She is giving us this incredible gift and we want her to be part of our lives and our children’s lives


Kelton's Family

Kelton's Family

Kaylee's Family

Kaylee's Family

Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

Truely happy and doing the very best they can.


What scares you?

Haveing one of my family member’s suffer from a serious medical condition and me as a doctor not being able to do anything to help them.


Dogs or cats?

Dogs! I love how they get so excited when they see you!


What scares you?

In my time as a medical student I have had the opportunity to witness some pretty tragic circumstances. As a result I think my greatest fear is having a loved one experience terminal illness and me not being able to do anything to help them them.


Some of our baby calves!

Some of our baby calves!

Graduated together from Brigham Young University. Thats where our story began :)

Graduated together from Brigham Young University. Thats where our story began :)

Holloween 2022

Holloween 2022

If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

I would have to say RV because I feel like there would be less things that could kill you in an RV and I would hopefully not get motion sickness as bad. Also in an RV we could travel the world and visit all sorts of cool places as well as travel to visit family while being in the comfort of our own home!


If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

French fries. Or ice cream. Or Subway sandwiches. Nevermind, I love food too much to pick just one!


My favorite website is (...not your Facebook page :)):

currently a blog called, it has inspired more than a few meals the past couple of weeks, all of them delicious!


Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

Yes! My religious beliefs have helped bring me a peace and a joy that I can’t fully explain. I have had some pretty difficult times in my life but I have found a lot of strength in turning to God and trusting him.


In five years our relationship with our child’s birth mother will…

hopefully be continuing. We honestly will respect the desires of the birth mom but we hope that we can have an open adoption and be able to keep in contact! Ideally, we want the birth mothers of our children to feel like they are also family. Regardless of the expectant mom’s desires, we want to make sure our our children know where they came from. We will always love our children’s birth moms because they gave us the greatest gift that we could have ever been given! A gift that for years we have been praying for but haven’t been able to have on our own.


I'm super competitive when it comes to...

Games of any kind like sports or board games! Kaylee always beats me on board games so I am kind of losing hope there but any other games brings out my competitive side! I didn’t grow up with video games so I’m doing good if my guy isn’t stuck running around in circles with those.


We are the best choice because…

well I’m a bit biased, but I think we are the best choice because Kaylee would be the best mom! She is incredible with kids and shows every child that she cares about them! We both love being around kids and we would have so much fun as a family! I we are also young so we would be able to watch our kids grow up and be there for them hopefully for most of their lives. I can’t promise that we would be the “Perfect” parents. but I can promise that we will love unconditionally. I can promise that we will put our kids first and do everything we can to support them and allow them opportunities to find what they love. We will do our very best to support them as they reach for their dreams and goals.


Just some big fish we caught while we were in Mexico:)

Just some big fish we caught while we were in Mexico:)

My favorite YouTube video is: (paste the full link)


When we argue, what’s it about?

Whether we are going to have cows or not when we got our own place.😂 I grew up on a farm in Idaho and loved it. I think having a small farm would be fun. I loved being around animals and taking care of them! Kaylee lived on the farm with me and felt like the cows were always getting out.😅 She’s not a huge fan yet but time will tell!😁we both want a dog someday and some chickens at least


In five years our relationship with our child’s birth mother will…

hopefully be close! We will respect the birth mother’s wishes and would love to be as close as they would like to be. We feel it’s important that our kids know where they come from and who their birth mom is.


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

Ooooh, I love stars!! I took an astronomy class in college, so I love trying to pick out the different constellations. Its incredible that we can see something so far away.


We love our camping trips!

We love our camping trips!

Kelton singing as one of the finalist in a singing competition

Kelton singing as one of the finalist in a singing competition

Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

I can’t live without my wife, family, music, chocolate, and icecream. They are my “Bear necessities”😅


I'm super competitive when it comes to...

board games! we love playing board games with our friends, family, and each other. we’re just the right amount of competitive to do our best but still thoroughly enjoy it even when we don’t win.


If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Tacos! I am always down for tacos! they are so versatile and soooooo good!


Favorite season and why?

I would have to say summer because I love being outside on the water and having cookouts around a camp fire looking into the night sky and telling stories with friends and family. I especially love when things don’t look dead. Winter is also great as long as I can go snowmobiling in the mountains and play in the snow!


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

An RV would be fun!! We could see the wonders of the world and visit anyone we wanted from our own front door. Plus, no seasickness 😅


One of our projects we worked on together

One of our projects we worked on together

Some of our medical School Friends

Some of our medical School Friends

Working on the Tree Farm Kelton grew up on

Working on the Tree Farm Kelton grew up on

We wanted to a custom made table to we tried to figure out how to custom make it our selves. Turned out to be a much bigger project than we thought =D

We wanted to a custom made table to we tried to figure out how to custom make it our selves. Turned out to be a much bigger project than we thought =D

We love snow mobiling!

We love snow mobiling!

One day we are going to have a dog like this

One day we are going to have a dog like this

Always fun to visit Washington DC when we go visit Kaylee's family

Always fun to visit Washington DC when we go visit Kaylee's family

hamocking is a favorite

hamocking is a favorite

more ice-cream !

more ice-cream !

we hiked the only mountain in Moscow, Idaho

we hiked the only mountain in Moscow, Idaho