
Audrey & Michael

Home Study

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Adoption Professional

Life Stages Law, PLLC

Social Media

Photograph of adoptive Family






Home study has been approved


New Hampshire




Master’s Degree


Physician Assistant

Political Affiliation:

Not Political






Home study has been approved


New Hampshire




Some College



Political Affiliation:

Not Political

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We are a loving couple who live on a small farm in the wooded hills of New Hampshire. We have lots of different animals at different times on our farm. Our free time is spent outdoors biking, skiing, canoeing and fishing. Our hearts are filled with compassion for you and your child. We accept others for who they are regardless of their background or experiences. We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and understanding. We are happy to discuss the details of an open or closed adoption with you and are committed to providing a safe, stable and loving home for your child. Audrey speaks Spanish, Russian and French. If you would like our information in one of these languages, please contact us. Si desea nuestra información en español, por favor contáctenos. Если вам нужна наша информация на русском языке, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами. Si vous souhaitez nos informations en français, veuillez nous contacter. Thank you for considering us as a potential family for your baby. Whatever choice you make, we wish you and your child all the best.

Audrey & Michael

We live on 60 wooded acres in NH.

We live on 60 wooded acres in NH.

If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

My husband- just like on our first date. He would bring fresh caught bass, I would home-make tortillas and salsa, and we would beer batter and fry the fish together. Brownies for dessert.


We are the best choice because…

We like to have fun and love to teach kids about everything.


My favorite place in the World is...

Home. I can take my time building and fixing things, which makes me feel good.


When we argue, what’s it about?

Who's turn it is to clean up the cat/dog throw up.


Our farm.

Our farm.

Pie Pie and Ursa.

Pie Pie and Ursa.

We have lots of different animals on our farm at different times.

We have lots of different animals on our farm at different times.

Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

No kids. We hope to adopt.


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

Jesus from The Chosen. He just seems like someone I would want to be friends with.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

We have a strong sense of community in our small town. We can depend on our neighbors and they can depend on us.


Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

Happy and healthy.


What is the best word to describe our family?

Supportive. "Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something." -Walt Disney


If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...

To increase compassion. If we entered every situation with love, we could understand one another's perspectives. There would be less war, discrimination and abuse.


My philosophy on parenting is...

"Love conquers all!" -Virgil


Myrtle, one of our milk goats.

Myrtle, one of our milk goats.

My philosophy on parenting is...

Build a child's confidence so they can make good decisions on their own for the rest of their life.


When we argue, what’s it about?

Which is better, dogs or cats.


Dogs or cats?

Cats. Our cats are calm, take care of rodents and snakes, and snuggle at night.


My best friend would describe me as...

Perceptive. I like to notice what people are good at and remind them at times when they need encouragement and support.


Audrey works part-time as a Physician Assistant.

Audrey works part-time as a Physician Assistant.

Mike also works as ski patrol. We are with our cute niece here. We ski A LOT.

Mike also works as ski patrol. We are with our cute niece here. We ski A LOT.

Mike is self-employed and works in forestry and construction.

Mike is self-employed and works in forestry and construction.

My favorite place in the World is...

Walking in the woods. I feel like I could solve any problem if I could just walk long enough.


My best friend would describe me as...

Open-minded. I love learning about everyone's differences and experiences. This world is full of beautiful people.


If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...

to get rid of poverty. Everyone deserves access to food, clean water, shelter, healthcare, and education.


I'm super competitive when it comes to...

Choosing the best ice cream flavor.


What scares you?

Lightning, which every one should have a healthy fear of.


What is the best word to describe our family?

Strong. We are capable of great things.


Dogs or cats?

Dogs. Our dogs love us.


We love taking bike tours.

We love taking bike tours.

We love to conoe, swim and fish.

We love to conoe, swim and fish.

We love our church family. Mike is a youth group leader, Audrey gives sermons occasionally and we are both Sunday school teachers.

We love our church family. Mike is a youth group leader, Audrey gives sermons occasionally and we are both Sunday school teachers.

I would never...

intentionally hurt someone.


We are the best choice because…

We're a good combination of patient, kind, loving, understanding, and we have a lot of energy.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

We live on a small farm with lots of animals to love.


We hang out with our friends a lot. Mike is very social and has two best friends.

We hang out with our friends a lot. Mike is very social and has two best friends.

I love to cook and love hanging out with our friends and their kids.

I love to cook and love hanging out with our friends and their kids.

We love hanging out with our friends and their kids.

We love hanging out with our friends and their kids.

Michael's family. We love our families. They give us tons of support.

Michael's family. We love our families. They give us tons of support.

Audrey's family. We love our families. Audrey's sister is her best friend.

Audrey's family. We love our families. Audrey's sister is her best friend.