

Home Study

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Adoption Professional

Open Adoption & Family Services

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Photograph of adoptive Family






Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree


Community Manager

Political Affiliation:

Prefer not to say


Hi, my name is Emily! I live in beautiful Portland, OR, in the heart of a sweet neighborhood filled with community gardens, good neighbors, and near green parks/nature spots. I share a home with my sweet pup Mina, a sleepy, well-natured, snuggle bug who loves everyone (and is great with kiddos). I’m so fortunate to be neighbors with my loving mama, Diana, and her playful Labradoodle, Lola. My heart feels so full imagining becoming a mom, and my own mama eagerly awaits the joy of becoming a grandma to my future child. My friends and family would describe me as empathetic, kindhearted, fun-loving, resilient, and creative. My world centers around the people I care for, and I’m incredibly grateful to walk through life with this village. I pride myself in carrying my core values and heart into all I do, striving to always be kind and genuine at work, and in all areas of my personal life. I LOVE music, especially Hip Hop, Soul music, oldies, 60’s rock, and so much more. I live for living room dance parties, and listening to my favorite songs while painting is one of my favorite pastimes. I’m a big appreciator of art and go to see art in the community (murals/art shows) and create my own art using acrylics. I’ve been an artist for years, and during my time as a preschool teacher often created portraits of the children in my classrooms and often volunteered to face paint at school events. I love time in nature with my dog, sharing meals with my mom, reading books, and traveling with friends. I’m a community manager and work with creative people (photographers/illustrators) and small business owners from around the globe. I love that my work allows me to collaborate with so many inspiring people and I’ve made great friends through my work. I’ve wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember; the road to motherhood has included some challenges and losses, but these experiences have helped me become more resilient. I am so excited to be on the path to grow my family through adoption. My dream is to create a world for our child that’s filled with love, in an environment that feels safe to learn, grow, and explore. My early childhood education background gives me the confidence that I have all the tools to help our child grow socially and emotionally, and I look forward to nurturing their interests, sharing my love of art and music, reading to them, spending time outside, and of course raising them alongside my mom and wonderful circle of friends. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me! Warmly,


In front of our home in Portland, Oregon!

In front of our home in Portland, Oregon!

My big brother Jacob, and my mom at a family dinner. He lives in Maryland and we visit him and his family twice a year.

My big brother Jacob, and my mom at a family dinner. He lives in Maryland and we visit him and his family twice a year.

What is the best word to describe our family?



What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

The vastness and beauty of it all! It makes me think of all the wonder and possibility, and makes me feel super peaceful.


We are the best choice because…

I've wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. I worked for years as an infant/toddler, and then Pre-K teacher, and it only made my heart want that life more. I am a single-mom-to-be but I promise you, our child will not be lacking for anything. I have a huge amount of love and energy to give, and my mom is ready to be the ultimate Grandma!


Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

Feeling strong, loved, and happy with the relationship we have (should she/they) want to have an open adoption. I always want them to feel there is an open door to communicate and that I'm there to listen.


I picture my friend Nikki took of me in Barcelona last June. It was a really special trip with my dear friend, Nikki!

I picture my friend Nikki took of me in Barcelona last June. It was a really special trip with my dear friend, Nikki!

My wonderful nieces, Claudia, Mimi, and Julia!

My wonderful nieces, Claudia, Mimi, and Julia!

Last Halloween!

Last Halloween!

What scares you?

Loss of a loved one. I lost my dad in November of 2023, and as scary and sad as this was, I keep his memory by celebrating all the things he shared with me. Listening to his favorite music, spending time in gardens, remembering his smile, all helps me feel he is still with me.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

I live in a super sweet, safe, and diverse community. I love that my neighbors take so much pride in their gardens, and we have parks, playgrounds, cafes, and schools all through the neighborhood. I live a short drive to a forest, and also to a gorgeous river (perfect for summer swimming). We also have farms for picking berries and pumpkins nearby, and a great community center with classes for kids to learn arts and crafts. Last (but definitely not least), is that we have great community here! I have so many friends nearby that are looking forward to being part of our child's world.


Favorite season and why?

Definitely the fall! Halloween is one of my favorites, and I'm all about the pumpkin carving, decorating, and costumes! The leaves here in Oregon also are so beautiful, and the air smells perfectly crisp!


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

Oh my goodness, so hard to choose just one! Here is the long list :)... My mom, wonderful friends, my sweet dog Mina (she's great with kids), my favorite comfort movies, living room dance parties, music, art, and time in nature (especially swimming in the rivers and lakes near me)!


My favorite place in the World is...

Definitely home is where the heart is. I love being in my space and with my mom. Other special places for me are San Francisco (where I grew up), Scotland (a good friend lives here and I just love how green and beautiful it is), Mexico (I have a special love for it), and Mendocino, CA!


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

Ohhhh I love this question (and can't pick just one, but can you blame me? haha). Mac Miller (he is forever one of my favorite artists and so sad he's gone), Taylor Swift, Beyonce, and Conan O'Brien!


My best friend would describe me as...

Caring, empathetic, supportive, fun, there to lift you when you need it most.


In Scotland with Nikki!

In Scotland with Nikki!

A painting I did of some of the kids from my old preschool. I love painting portraits!

A painting I did of some of the kids from my old preschool. I love painting portraits!

My mom. She is sweetness personified!

My mom. She is sweetness personified!

Dogs or cats?

Dogs! Love to cats too, but I've had dogs since I was a little girl and they have always brought me so much joy.


My philosophy on parenting is...

Positive redirection, and making sure my parenting-style is love-centered above all. I studied child development and I know the importance of feeling safe, nurtured, and having your needs met (physical and emotional).This is the grounwork and foundation for growing into a healthy adult.


The most special thing I own is...

Photos of my dad, and a necklace my mom gave me that's engraved with a little note that reads: "to Emily, my light." I'm very sentimental and love things that remind me of people I love.


Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

I am definitely spiritual, but very respectful/open/celebrating of people with a religious background. I have friends of all faiths, and I think we all are looking for the same thing -- love, faith, purpose, comfort. I definitely believe in the magic of life. I've had my fair share of life bumps, but also there are so many moments that I met someone, had a moment, that just made me believe in the beauty and magic of it all. I feel that way about the adoption path too. I imagine that when we connect, it will be one of the most impactful and magical moments and connections of my life.


With my sweet girl at the Oregon Coast, enjoying the ocean.

With my sweet girl at the Oregon Coast, enjoying the ocean.

With my friend, Becca!

With my friend, Becca!

Baby me! With my mom, dad, and brother Nick.

Baby me! With my mom, dad, and brother Nick.

Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

I don't! I have a super well-natured and kid/baby tested dog. I can't wait to have a child to be at the center of our homes universe.


My favorite Instagram account is:


If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...

I'm really empathetic and having a big heart (though I wouldn't trade it for anything) means feeling big feelings when you hear awful headlines. I would say the thing I would change is ending violence everywhere, and wishing safety and love for everyone.


Not the best picture, but during my preschool teaching days!

Not the best picture, but during my preschool teaching days!

Another one from my time working with infants/toddlers.

Another one from my time working with infants/toddlers.

With my friends Vanessa and Amanda in San Francisco in front of a friends mural.

With my friends Vanessa and Amanda in San Francisco in front of a friends mural.

With my best friend Vanessa's son. She is a single mom and lives 20 minutes away. We both moved to the PNW together in the hopes of raising babies together as single moms (both living with our moms).

With my best friend Vanessa's son. She is a single mom and lives 20 minutes away. We both moved to the PNW together in the hopes of raising babies together as single moms (both living with our moms).

Here with a few friends, including my friend Jess and her adopted daughter. I have a circle of friends who have adopted and looking forward to raising children together.

Here with a few friends, including my friend Jess and her adopted daughter. I have a circle of friends who have adopted and looking forward to raising children together.