
Derek & Greg

Home Study

Home study approvedApproved

Adoption Professional

Open Adoption & Family Services
Photograph of adoptive Family






Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree


Sports Marketing Manager

Political Affiliation:

Lean Liberal






Home study has been approved






Master’s Degree


Chief Administrative Officer for Financial Services Company

Political Affiliation:

Lean Liberal


Dear expectant mother, Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our family. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to introduce ourselves and hopefully give you a glimpse into the kind of parents we aspire to be. We are Greg and Derek - A fun-loving, adventurous, family-oriented couple excited at the prospect of growing our family through adoption. We met online in the winter of 2015 while Greg was helping his sister’s family move cross country. A steady stream of text messages revealed a mutual love of the outdoors, travel, and, most importantly family. From all the car singing videos Greg sent, Derek also took quiet notice of how great he was with his baby niece. When Greg got back from his trip, we scheduled our first date – a run around Discovery Park in Seattle followed by coffee – on New Year’s Day. Trying new things and saying “yes” to adventurous ideas has been the foundation of our relationship ever since.  In 2018 we moved into our South Seattle home with our loving dog Frankie (a brindle boxer!). We were fortunate to find an incredible community of loving and supportive neighbors and friends, who now feel like family. Both sets of our parents also live in Washington, along with large extended families who can’t wait to be involved in our child’s life. Greg grew up on a dairy farm in Eastern Washington where, from an early age, he learned the value of hard work, along with the importance of family and community. After spending ten years as an accountant working with and for non-profits, Greg now oversees the operations team for a small investment firm in Seattle. His position allows him the flexibility to spend time doing what he loves: adventuring with Derek and Frankie, completing home improvement projects, and spending time with friends and family. He also spends a good deal of time volunteering, most recently as the board Treasurer for Seattle’s LGBTQ Center and Big Brothers Big Sisters, where he also spent a few years as a youth mentor.   Derek works in Sports Marketing for a sportswear company in Seattle. With a degree in journalism and a background in sports and coaching, he has been able to combine several of his passions into his career. He is thankful for an adjustable schedule that allows him to work from home most days and have flexible hours as we start our family. Outside of work, Derek is a loyal friend and family member. He is always the one to remember birthdays and anniversaries, show up to every family event, and check in with loved ones just to say hello. He tries to prioritize his daily run and spends time outside enjoying the sun whenever it makes an appearance! When we’re not working, we love to travel (most recently to France) and enjoy anything outdoors that lets us soak in the coast, mountains, and rivers of the Pacific Northwest. We also love road trips to see our family in Oregon and Montana. Seeing and experiencing the world with our child is something we really look forward to. Weekends at home have us tending to the garden, which is full of dahlias and rhododendrons, native northwest flowers and berries, and lots of summer veggies.  We knew early on in our relationship that we wanted to be parents. We both love kids and find ourselves spending as much time as possible with the many nieces, nephews and the other kiddos in our lives. We both share a similar story of visiting our nieces in Montana and watching one another play hide and seek/ push the girls on the swing and knowing in that moment that we had found the perfect person to start a family with. When it comes to our values as parents, we believe strongly in the following: Unconditional love and support: Our goal is to raise a confident, compassionate, and kind-hearted child. To do that, we will make sure our child feel loved, cherished, and empowered every day. Regardless of what life deals, our child will always know that our home is a safe space and that our loves is not conditional. Embracing their identity: It’s important that our child knows who they are, where they come from, and has the space to discover and embrace the full beauty of their story. A strong connection to family: We want to foster meaningful relationships with both our families and our child’s birth family, creating a community where they feel supported and celebrated. Curiosity and adventure: We hope to encourage a sense of wonder and exploration in our child, sharing our love for the outdoors, travel, and learning new things together. As our child grows older, we look forward to supporting and exploring the new passions and interests they come across. We hope this letter has given you an introduction into who we are and the values we place importance on as we start a family. We look forward to hearing from you and the opportunity to share more should you feel we have a connection. Whatever your path, we wish you nothing but the very best.  All our best, Derek and Greg

Derek & Greg

We enjoyed an unseasonably nice day at the Christams tree farm last year!

We enjoyed an unseasonably nice day at the Christams tree farm last year!

In our free time, one of our favorite activites is to take a boat out and enjoy the Puget Sound.

In our free time, one of our favorite activites is to take a boat out and enjoy the Puget Sound.

We look forward to traveling with our future child. We recently went to Paris and got to see some of the Olympics.

We look forward to traveling with our future child. We recently went to Paris and got to see some of the Olympics.

Dogs or cats?

Can I say both? We have a dog now who has the biggest personality and I can't imagine what our days would look like withouth her. My first pet growing up was a cat, though, and she was a huge part of my family's life for a good part of my childhood. We hope to continue to make pets a part of our home and our child's life as we look to start our family.


What is the best word to describe our family?

Engaged! Whatever season it is or whatver is going on in each other's lives and the lives of our family and friends , we place a high value on plugging in and really being present. Sometimes that means busy weekends of family events and gatherings with the neighbors, and other times it means rest and recharging. But we always want to expeirence the most of our days and to be dependable for thos we love.


Favorite season and why?

I absolutely love a crisp fall day! There's nothing better than a slight breeze on a sunny fall day, it warms the soul. Fall is also the time when the craziness of summer starts to slow down and we can do more cozy camping in the trailer.


My favorite place in the World is...

I love to travel, but I always come back to our house as my favorite place in the world. We are so fortunate to have amazing family and friends who love to come over and spend time with us. Whether it's a backyard campfire, outdoor movie night, or cozy games in the basement, there is nothing I love more than hearing laughter and joy from those we love most! I also love a cozy evening in where Derek, Frankie (our boxer dog) and I, curl up on the couch with movies and popcorn.


Camping is a big hobby of ours, and we look forwarding to sharing the great outdoors with our child.

Camping is a big hobby of ours, and we look forwarding to sharing the great outdoors with our child.

The beach is one of our favorite places, even when it's a little chilly out. We can't wait to continue visiting places like the coast withour futue child.

The beach is one of our favorite places, even when it's a little chilly out. We can't wait to continue visiting places like the coast withour futue child.

We are the best choice because…

We are so, so ready to bring a child into our lives and love them with all our heart. We've done a lot of research and also soul searching, and we are prepared (and truly excited) for what adoption may bring, and we want to start our family in a way that honors our child's birth parents and tells their story as we begin this new chapter in ours.


Favorite season and why?

It's got to be summer! I feel like most of my favorite events and memorie are from summer- be it family reunions and camping trips, to outdoor concerts, or just picking berries and reading a book in the back yard. Every season has its own characteristics to love, but I know Greg and I are looking to sharing some of our favorite parts of summer with our future child!


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

Our community truly is a family. We are so fortunate to have some of our best friends living within a block of our home. Our child will have an incredible network of caring and loving people just a few feet away at all times.


We are the best choice because…

We will love our child unconditionally. As parents we aspire to provide our child every opportunity to grow and develop into the very best version of themselves. At the same time, we also understand that life is full of challenges and it's important that we help our child develop the skills and personality necessary to deal with and overcome obstacles. At the end of the day, our hope is to raise a good person who knows they are loved and supported by their family, unconditionally.


My favorite place in the World is...

So many fun places come to mind when I think of where we've been able to visit, but truly my favorite place is wherever we are when I have the whole family together and can just enjoy that unique feeling of togetherness. I'm really looking forward to experiencing that with a child in our lives.


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Definitely an RV. We purchased a small camp trailer a few years ago and have LOVED being able to explore the Pacific Northwest in our home away from home. There's nothing better than going to bed after a camp fire in the evening and waking up with a hot cup of coffee and the freshness of the woods in the morning.
