
Cassie & Jason

Home Study

Home study approvedApproved
Photograph of adoptive Family






Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree


Software Developer & Instructor of Intelligent Automation

Political Affiliation:

Lean Left






Home study has been approved






Master’s Degree


Army Officer

Political Affiliation:

Lean Right


We want you to know... Our family comes with built-in extra love and support, as Grandma Rose lives with us. She has raised 3 children of her own, and helped raise 6 granddaughters, all to be strong, independent women. We are an incredibly caring household that will be supportive of all passions and hobbies your child is interested in. We will instill strong values to include dignity, respect for self and others, self-assuredness, a sense of purpose, and integrity. Most importantly, we promise to provide a loving, stable environment, and to ensure your child will always feel loved and supported, as all children deserve to be.

Cassie & Jason

Military ball

Military ball

Packers vs Steelers football tailgate with Grandma Rose!

Packers vs Steelers football tailgate with Grandma Rose!

Dogs or cats?

I’ve grown up and cherished many animals over the years. We currently have 3 awesome dogs that are great with kids.


My favorite place in the World is...

Under canopy at 17,000 feet looking out over the vastness of the Earth.


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

There’s gotta be something intelligent out there somewhere…at least an alien chipmunk.


I would never...

fight a shark


Puerto Rico vacation!

Puerto Rico vacation!

Date night

Date night

Wine vineyard with friends in Alexandria

Wine vineyard with friends in Alexandria

We are the best choice because…

of our devotion to being a close-knit family with extra love and support we have at home with Grandma Rose.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

it’s quiet, private, and safe. We are a 5-minute walk to the beach, and there are lots of other kids in our little community.


Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

I grew up with Christianity and will always appreciate the community a shared belief system brings. I have since studied many different religions and learned that there are so many similarities and core lessons among all of them.


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

RV. I would love the chance to travel through Europe and Asia riding in the front seat of my hybrid vehicle/bedroom


Favorite season and why?

Summer. It’s always summer in Florida, that is why we love it here!


Honeymoon in Key West

Honeymoon in Key West

Bang bang

Bang bang

The night we met ❤️

The night we met ❤️

Military Ball

Military Ball

Military ball

Military ball

Sister’s engagement party

Sister’s engagement party