
Becky & Paul

Home Study

Home study approvedApproved
Photograph of adoptive Family






Home study has been approved






Master’s Degree


Pediatric Occupational Therapist

Political Affiliation:

Prefer not to say






Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree


Controller (Accounting)

Political Affiliation:

Prefer not to say


Dear Expectant Momma, We can’t thank you enough for taking the time to read our letter and learn about our family. Our names are Becky and Paul (and Zachary and Cassidy). We want you to know that we admire your strength and courage in making an adoption plan. We are sure that this is a challenging time for you and know that it must be a difficult decision. Adding a child to our family through adoption has been on our hearts for many years and we have been praying that the right situation would come to us. This past summer, we chose to become more active in our search and are homestudy and attorney ready. It is our deepest hope that the right momma will connect with our family and believe we are the family she’s been looking for! We are currently a family of four (seven if you count our three sweet dogs!) and we live in a quiet neighborhood that is within driving distance of many great cities and attractions, including Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and New York. We love how convenient it is to explore new places and often have memberships to different zoos, aquariums, and museums nearby! There are also many sports teams within driving distance and we especially enjoy going to baseball and hockey games together! Paul is currently a controller at a paper mill and loves his job. In his free time, Paul enjoys going to local sporting events, playing softball, and golfing. He also enjoys cooking on his blackstone and makes a great steak! Becky is a pediatric occupational therapist and has spent most of her career working with kids 0-3 years old. While Becky loves working with families, she always says that her most favorite job is being a mom and it’s easy to see the truth behind those words. She has worked part time since we adopted Zachary and recently took a flexible position where she only works a few hours a week from home so that she could be available at all times for not only for Zachary and Cassidy, but also a future baby as well. She loves to take the kids on adventures and truly cherishes the time she gets with them. In her down time, Becky loves to relax by reading books. Her favorite place to be is sitting on the beach. We are so incredibly proud of our two children: Zachary and Cassidy. Zachary is 14 and loves Marvel, Minecraft, acting, board games, and listening to audio books. Since he was young, we have nicknamed him “the animal whisperer.” Whether it’s a horse, a dog, a cat, a goat … he always ends up having them be his friend. Zachary is fun to be around and so quick witted. He loves spending time with his younger cousins, and despite their age difference, he is wonderful at being their playmate, role-model and protector all at the same time. Zachary was also adopted at birth and has a very positive view on adoption. Because he is biracial, we have made sure that he has the opportunity to be around others who look like him and to learn about his cultural heritage. He is looking forward to having a younger sibling who is also adopted! Cassidy is 13 and is best described as a sweet, empathetic nurturer. She cares deeply for people of all ages and is always quick to jump in and help. Cassidy loves music and has taken piano, guitar, and voice lessons and enjoys writing her own songs. Cassidy has wanted to be a NICU nurse for years and loves watching medical and veterinarian shows. She volunteers in the nursery at church as often as she can and loves snuggling babies! We know that she will be first in line to help in taking care of any child that joins our family. Some of our family mottos include: Love Jesus, Love Others! Family – Forever, For Always, No Matter What! Honesty Builds Trust! Parent with Grace! And Adventures are the Best Way to Learn! In regards to parenting, we want to raise our children in a way that they know we will always love them and that they can always come to us no matter what they have done or what challenges they face. In regards to living life, we believe that nothing teaches you more than exploring the world and accumulating experiences. Over the years we have learned that each person and each family has particular things they value and prioritize. For our family, it’s traveling and making memories together. We can’t wait to add another adventurer to our traveling crew! It is our belief that as the expectant mother, you are in control over every aspect of your adoption plan for your child. Please know that we will honor and respect whatever choices you make. When our son was adopted 14 years ago, his birth mother asked for an open adoption and we have honored our promise to her and have maintained a continued relationship with not only her, but also her family. However, we would equally understand and respect your desire for a semi-closed or closed adoption. Basically, we want you to be confident that we believe you should make the decision you’re most comfortable with and we will support you in that decision. If you’ve made it this far (hopefully!), thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We hope that you can sense our heart through this letter and know that we admire you for making this decision. We know that it must mean you love your child deeply and want the best for him/her. We would be incredibly honored to be chosen as a family for your child and would cherish the opportunity to raise him or her as ours. With love and gratitude, Paul, Becky, Zachary, and Cassidy

Becky & Paul

Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

my wife! Honestly, she is my rock and does so much for our family!


Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

healthy, happy, and enjoying her life ... however that looks for her!


My philosophy on parenting is...

to parent with love and grace!


Dogs or cats?

Dogs ... definitely dogs!


Dogs or cats?



Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

I consider myself neither. I am so thankful to have a personal relationship with Jesus. I believe that he offers us his gift of salvation no matter what we have done and chooses to pursue us out of love, no matter what we do! We do attend church and serve in the children's ministry regularly. We love our church family and the children's ministry program!


My favorite website is (...not your Facebook page :)):

ESPN or any other website with sports news! :)


Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

assured and confident of her descision in selecting us as her child's adoptive parents.


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

My grandparents. We lost my grandfather very unexpectantly this past year, fours years to the day that we lost my grandma after a long battle with Alzheimers. I would love to sit down and catch up with them, although I am sure once would never feel like enough! They were the best at pouring love into us, encouraging us, and building us up! They also gave the best advice. Really I just miss them and dinner and a game of cards sounds with them sounds like a piece of heaven!


Favorite season and why?

I love the long days of summer, lazy days at the pool, heading to the beach to put our toes in the sand and catch some waves! But I also love the leaves changing colors in the fall, sweater weather, and sitting around campfires. It's definitely a toss up!


My favorite place in the World is...

at a baseball stadium! One of my life-long goals is to visit every professional baseball stadium!


My favorite place in the World is...

at a baseball stadium! One of my life-long goals is to visit every professional baseball stadium.


My favorite website is (...not your Facebook page :)):

ESPN or any other website with sports news. :)


Favorite season and why?

My seasons are based on sports seasons! I love all things sports and always look forward to baseball season and football season the most. I have been so fortunate to make many memories with my wife and children at various sporting events and can't wait to share those experiences with a new child as well. If I had to pick an actual season - I think FALL would be my favorite!


I hope our child’s birth mother is…

safe and cared for during her pregnancy.


Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

assured and confident of her decision in selecting us as her child's adoptive parents.


Favorite season and why?

My seasons are based on Sports Seasons! I love all things sports and always look forward to Baseball season and Football season the most. I have been so fortunate to make so many memories with my children and Wife at various sporting events and can't wait to share those experiences with a new child as well. If I had to pick an actual season - I think Fall would be my favorite!


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

An RV! I love to be on the move and exploring new things.


What is the best word to describe our family?

Adventurous! We love to travel, explore new places, and just have fun! Making memories as a family is our favorite!


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

An RV - as much as I love water (and may be willing to live on a cruise ship), I think an RV would be an amazing way to see the United States!
