Ashlyn & Chad
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Master’s Degree
Pilates Instructor and Special Education Teacher
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Bachelor’s Degree
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We are Chad and Ashlyn. We live in Oregon with our daughter Jean and dog Hermey. We are delighted to have the opportunity to expand our family and share our home and hearts with you. We are both from Northern California and met while attending college in Reno, Nevada. We soon came to realize that we grew up about 30 minutes apart from one another, and actually had mutual friends in common. Our hometown connections went even deeper when we learned that Ashlyn’s grandparents were practically neighbors with Chad’s family! Once in college, Chad was living in the dorms with Ashlyn’s brother. They would frequently raid Ashlyn’s refrigerator when they were sick of the cafeteria food. The following year we all became roommates and it didn’t take long for the friendship to expand to attraction. Three years later we started dating and have now been together since 2009. After college Chad moved to Oregon for a job while Ashlyn stayed behind in Reno to finish up with her Masters in Early Childhood Special Education. She followed him to Oregon a few months later. Feeling like we wanted to put down roots in Oregon, we purchased our first home. Shortly after buying our home we were married in 2016. In 2020 we adopted Jean through an open adoption. She is truly a miracle and we are honored to be her parents. In 2021 we moved to a bigger home in hopes of further expanding our family! We both are outgoing and athletic people. We like hanging out in the sun, playing coed soccer, camping anywhere near water and trees, going to the zoo, family walks, hiking, all water activities (especially when a boat is involved), and anything we can do as a family. We also really like to cook. Chad is the better cook so he takes the lead smoking all sorts of things on the Traeger Grill. Ashlyn is always close by cleaning everything before he is even done with it. Chad is also a sports fanatic and follows most sports as well as plays them. He spends his lunch breaks in the gym or playing pick up games of rugby or soccer. When he is not playing sports, he is spending time with his close-knit group of friends. Chad is always the last one to leave a party and never goes anywhere without seeing a familiar face. Ashlyn loves Pilates and would go to a class every day if she could! When she’s not at Pilates she is out with friends or on an adventure with Jean. Jean never leaves her side and Ashlyn’s friends and family have learned that they are a package deal. When Jean came into our lives, Ashlyn decided to stay at home as a full-time parent. She still finds time to teach Pilates on the side! Chad works in global supply chain for a large sports manufacturing company. Jean attends a co-op preschool for 16 hours a week as well as fun activities like swimming and the zoo. We cannot wait to grow our family through another open adoption. Family is very important to us, in fact so important that Chad actually works for the same company as his entire family. We are thrilled to have a relationship with our child and our child’s birth family. We believe that all children deserve to have an entire community of people who love them. Thank you for considering us. Chad, Ashlyn, Jean
Ashlyn & Chad
Family trip to Maui Nov 2023
Montana Wedding fun
airport pictures
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?
My childhood.
If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:
I can't, I am not a person who can eat the same things over and over.
If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?
I would choose an RV. I get sea sick so a sailboat would be no fun.
What is the best word to describe our family?
First day of school vibes
Park dates
What scares you?
Zombies and Vampires.
My philosophy on parenting is...
As parents we want to provide a warm, safe, encouraging and happy home. A place where a child can be their best self and have all the opportunities that they would ever want and need. We feel incredibly fortunate to have had a childhood much like the one we envision and hope to provide for our children. Our goal is to empower our children so that they feel safe, learn, laugh and can play sports or participate in any activity that they dream of. We want to take family vacations and create memories that will last a lifetime. We imagine going to the park and letting the kids play outside, family adventures with cousins, and growing up with friends and family. We cant wait to surround our children with friends and family. Aunts, uncles, cousins, adoptive family, and friends will be there to support and love our children.
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
Yes I do.
We are the best choice because…
We will give a child all of our love, attention and resources to live up to their fullest potential and pursue all of their passions in life.
I would never...
hurt anyone of purpose.
If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?
RV, becasue chad gets sea sick.
If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...
I would end gun violence.
New Years Eve 2023
Igloo build in the snow
fun at the pumpkin patch
In five years our relationship with our child’s birth mother will…
On going contact with open lines of communication.
If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...
Jean's birth mom.
I hope our child’s birth mother is…
Healthy, Happy and living a fulfilling life.
My favorite place in the World is...
Holiday card vibes
take us back to Cabo
Run for your lives
I would never...
Skydive! No need to jump out of a perfectly good airplane
When we argue, what’s it about?
I hope our child’s birth mother is…
Safe, loved, cherished and admired for the amazing mother that she is.
My best friend would describe me as...
Outgoing and athletic.
My best friend would describe me as...
Loyal and thoughtful.
If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...
I would make it safer.
Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”
My family! They are my center of gravity in which my world spins around.
a girl and her pup
Go Niners
We love weddings
I'm super competitive when it comes to...
Golf, I love playing the game and am always playing in tournaments. I especially like long drive competitions!
Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…
Part of the family.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?
How big the universe is.
Favorite season and why?
Summer! Hanging out in the sun on long summer days is the best! My family and I always enjoy outdoor activities!
We are the best choice because…
We have so much love and energy to give and share with a birth family and child.
Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?
Yes. Jean would be a loving and caring big sister. She is very nurturing by nature and is always taking care of her pets.
Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”
Jean and Chad.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs – they are so sweet and are truly mans best friend.
My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…
We love our neighborhood and community. We have plenty of stores and restaurants within a few miles. We also are surrounded by walking trails and parks. Our local shopping center has a toy store, ice cream, and a huge splash pad/fountain for Jean to enjoy in the summer. In addition we have a movie theater and Big Al's less than 2 miles away! We could not be happier in our neighborhood.
Dogs or cats?
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
I would. I do pray and beleive in the lord.
If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:
BBQ. I love BBQ’ing for my friends and family and love the way food tastes coming off a grill!
Favorite season and why?
Summer, I love being outside and in the water.
What is the best word to describe our family?
Active! We love getting out, playing, walking and exploring new things.
Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?
We have one daughter who pretends to have siblings, though I'm sure there would be some growing pains.
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