
Alec & Kevin

Home Study

Home study approvedApproved

Adoption Professional

Morning Star Adoption Center

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Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree


Director of Finance

Political Affiliation:

Lean Left






Home study has been approved






Bachelor’s Degree


Operations Manager

Political Affiliation:

Lean Left


We're Alec and Kevin, filled with excitement and a sense of humility as we write to you today. We can only imagine the emotions you are experiencing at this moment, and while we may not fully understand your personal journey, we want to extend our heartfelt empathy and support. The journey of adoption for us is filled with joy, hope, and a bit of fear too. We've longed to share our lives with a child, to impart our love, our values, and our dreams. We're committed to creating a nurturing environment where a child can be themselves, explore the world, and chase their dreams. Alongside this excitement, we also want to celebrate and honor your child's unique heritage, starting from a young age, with openness and respect for your wishes. We promise to provide a constant loving environment and support your child at all walks of life. We see you as part of this journey and are open to whatever makes you most comfortable, be it pictures, visits, or shared experiences. Both sides of our family are eager to embrace your child, and we envision integrating them seamlessly into our community. We admire your strength and courage. We understand that this decision is neither easy nor simple, and we are grateful beyond words for your consideration. We will surround your child with a supportive environment, encourage them to explore, travel, and be who they are. Thank you so much for considering us. We hope our words resonate with you, and we are here, ready to listen, to learn more about you, and to walk this extraordinary path together. Your love, trust, and sacrifice mean the world to us, and we look forward to hearing from you. With warmest regards,

Alec & Kevin

Us and our dog Winona on 4th of July weekend at Alec's aunt's cottage on Lake Huron.

Us and our dog Winona on 4th of July weekend at Alec's aunt's cottage on Lake Huron.

2023 was the year of travel for our dog Winona. She made it to 4 states and even Canada! Here she is pictured in Wisconsin on Sturgeon Bay.

2023 was the year of travel for our dog Winona. She made it to 4 states and even Canada! Here she is pictured in Wisconsin on Sturgeon Bay.

Us on our wedding day, since we are both home brewers it was fitting our wedding should be at the brewery we met at: Maumee Bay Brewing

Us on our wedding day, since we are both home brewers it was fitting our wedding should be at the brewery we met at: Maumee Bay Brewing

If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...

universal health care for all, no matter the country, person, or economic level.


What scares you?

Not accomplishing what I want out of life. There are so many things to achieve and so many places to go. The future may be scary, but it is also exciting.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

we have several families and great neighbors in our neighborhood and two small parks a few blocks from our home.


What is the best word to describe our family?



Exploring some of Michigan's small towns with Alec's sister Grace and brother-in-law Shaun. WInona came too!

Exploring some of Michigan's small towns with Alec's sister Grace and brother-in-law Shaun. WInona came too!

Whether it's a 90-degree scorcher or just another sunny day, you'll always find Winona soaking up her favorite rays. ☀️🐶

Whether it's a 90-degree scorcher or just another sunny day, you'll always find Winona soaking up her favorite rays. ☀️🐶

Captain Alec takes the helm, expertly navigating the bustling Kalamazoo River in Saugatuck, MI. 🛥️⚓

Captain Alec takes the helm, expertly navigating the bustling Kalamazoo River in Saugatuck, MI. 🛥️⚓

We are the best choice because…

we offer a loving, stable home filled with laughter and support. With a strong community around us and a passion for travel, we're eager to provide enriching experiences and unconditional love to a child.


My philosophy on parenting is...

A parent should be there to provide love and guidance to their child. They should be someone who is relaiable and will teach their child all about the world, both the good and bad. A parent creates a loving home where their child can be their true authentic selves.


My favorite place in the World is...

Really anywhere with Kevin...but...since you're twisting my arm-New Zealand.


In five years our relationship with our child’s birth mother will…

what the birth mother desires. We plan to honor the birth mothers wishes for the relationship they want with their child.


If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...

clean water and food for all.


What scares you?

Spiders. If I see one, it's automatically time to leave wherever I am.


My best friend would describe me as...

Friendly and Caring


Cheering on the Detroit Tigers with friends at the Eastern Michigan University themed night, and a special appearance by our favorite eagle, Swoop!

Cheering on the Detroit Tigers with friends at the Eastern Michigan University themed night, and a special appearance by our favorite eagle, Swoop!

Kevin, alongside his brother Craig, set to soar over Belize's stunning waters during our family cruise. Parasailing adventure awaits! 🌊🪂🚢

Kevin, alongside his brother Craig, set to soar over Belize's stunning waters during our family cruise. Parasailing adventure awaits! 🌊🪂🚢

Alec: The unofficial pirate, with his first mate who is squawk-tastic!"

Alec: The unofficial pirate, with his first mate who is squawk-tastic!"

The most special thing I own is...

our dog. Although it's not so much as own as it is her being an integral part of the family. I love watching her grow, learn, and discover the world. And I'm most excited to see how she welcomes a baby into her life.


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

my family and a stocked kitchen are on the list but ice cream is pretty high up on the list as well...


The most special thing I own is...

My dad's bicycle he bought in 1984. He bought my mom and him matching sets of Diamondback Bikes. My mom still has hers.


Dogs or cats?

Dogs all the way! Cats are good too, but we love our dog and the companionship she provides us. Plus night time cuddles are the best.


Kevin: The living jungle gym for Chewy, the pocket-picking primate!

Kevin: The living jungle gym for Chewy, the pocket-picking primate!

Enjoying a beautiful sunset in Key West, Florida-one of our favorite destinations!

Enjoying a beautiful sunset in Key West, Florida-one of our favorite destinations!

Marching in Detroit's Motor City Pride Parade with the Detroit Pistons

Marching in Detroit's Motor City Pride Parade with the Detroit Pistons

My favorite Instagram account is:

@bassetcorner I am slightly obsessed with Basset Hounds.


If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?

I think I would choose Jake Gyllenhaal because he always seems so humble and has a really good singing voice.


I would never...

get on my roof. I also have a fear of heights.


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

I would 100% choose an RV. I love the idea of exploring the world on 4 wheels, discovering small quant towns, and seeing the beauty of the countryside.


My favorite website is (...not your Facebook page :)):

Instagram. I enjoy that it provides me with updates for my many interests all in one place and that I can scroll through the endless pictures of places to travel.


My favorite website is (...not your Facebook page :)):

Reddit. I google everything with "reddit" after it to get first hand responses on things.


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

That my family and friends far away are looking up at the same exact night sky.


From Our Honeymoon: You can't go to Australia without seeing a koala.

From Our Honeymoon: You can't go to Australia without seeing a koala.

Fall is our favorite season and it isnt fall without a visit to the apple orchard!

Fall is our favorite season and it isnt fall without a visit to the apple orchard!

Our families share a memorable day at the Roatan, Honduras zoo.

Our families share a memorable day at the Roatan, Honduras zoo.

If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Hands down, Pizza. You can have breakfast pizza, regular pizza, dessert pizza. It really can be a meal for any occasion.


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

My grandmother (mom’s mom). She passed away when I was very young and I think we would have had a very special connection.


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

*pulls out phone* *checks International Space Station tracking app* I am infatuated with space and satelites so I am always trying to check when the next passing of Starlink or the Space Station is.


If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Hands down pizza. It's just so versatile. I also love how it can be a representation of local culutre. We have Detroit style (my favorite), NY style, Chicago style, California style, and so many more.


Our first day in Syndey, Australia on our honeymoon. Just a tad bit jet-lagged.

Our first day in Syndey, Australia on our honeymoon. Just a tad bit jet-lagged.

Kevin: Getting ready to take flight and fly our plan in New Zealand. Don't worry, a licensed pilot had control at all times.

Kevin: Getting ready to take flight and fly our plan in New Zealand. Don't worry, a licensed pilot had control at all times.

Alec: Meeting the master of 'taking it slow' at the zoo!

Alec: Meeting the master of 'taking it slow' at the zoo!

If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

1000% RV. I love to go on a cruise ship but I would get tired of the water. Plus their are so many places on land I need to visit yet!


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

it’s a cozy community with friendly people and cute parks. We are walking distance to two parks, a market, and an ice cream parlor.


My philosophy on parenting is...

You have to support yout childs dreams, no matter what they are!


Dogs or cats?

The correct answer is dogs. Final answer.


If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?

I'm not really a celebrity person, they don't do anything for me. So...I don't know, Will Arnett?


My favorite Instagram account is:

@basset._.hound_life. I may be a little obsessed with basset hounds.


What is the best word to describe our family?

Close. Both Kevin and I are very close with our families and our families even do things together! We most recently went on a cruise with both families and had a blast!


An early picture of us in Chicago about to see Hamilton

An early picture of us in Chicago about to see Hamilton

We had a band (Not Fast Enuff) at our wedding which truly made our special day memorable.

We had a band (Not Fast Enuff) at our wedding which truly made our special day memorable.

If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

My dad. He passed away when I was 12 and I would love nothing more than to share a nice steak and talk about life.


We are the best choice because…

We will provide your child with unwavering love, support, and a sense of belonging. We are two people full of love to share and an incredible support network that will allow your child to never feel alone.


Favorite season and why?

Fall because I love me some pumpkin cream cold brew. LOL I also love Apple Cide and Donuts.


Favorite season and why?

I love the fall! Cooler weather, football games, sweaters, the changing color of the leaves, and Halloween. It also means winter and the holidays are right around the corner, which is my second favorite season.


As part of our honeymoon, we took a cruise to New Zealand, our ship had a unique observaiton area that went over the ship.

As part of our honeymoon, we took a cruise to New Zealand, our ship had a unique observaiton area that went over the ship.

The fjords of New Zealand are absolutley stunning, while it was chilly we did enjoy the views.

The fjords of New Zealand are absolutley stunning, while it was chilly we did enjoy the views.

Actually, in New Zealand they call fjords a sound. Here is our favorite shot of Milford Sound.

Actually, in New Zealand they call fjords a sound. Here is our favorite shot of Milford Sound.

I would never...

give up on someone after one mistake. I believe in forgiveness and working through things. People make mistakes and that's ok. There can come a time when you need to let someone go, but I would try my best to reconcile the relationship first.


When we argue, what’s it about?

Music choice. We value music in very different ways, but we both agree that whoever is driving gets to choose the music.


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

my family, friends, college football, and Broadway musicals.


My favorite place in the World is...

Anywhere with my husband, but if I had to choose, I would say my college town becuase of all the memories it brings back.


When we argue, what’s it about?

Driving style. We're both very safe drivers but I just like to be in control.


In five years our relationship with our child’s birth mother will…

as open as the birth mother would like. We strive to have a relationship with our child's birth mother. That could be phone calls, pictures, visits, etc.


My best friend would describe me as...

loyal, courageous, and determined. A person who allows you to make mistakes or wrong decisions, but they are still met with grace, love, and freedom to learn from them.


While on our honeymoon, we took a day trip to the Blue Mountains of Australia.

While on our honeymoon, we took a day trip to the Blue Mountains of Australia.