
Meet our
Waiting Families

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"Hero" personality"Neighbor" personality

Christina & Mike

Home study approved

I'm super competitive when it comes to...

"everything, but especially golf! " - Christina

"Caregiver" personality


Home study approved

Adoption Professional: Lirhus Keckemet Annest PLLC

Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

"I do not have children yet! I do have two pups who love kids and would be so sweet and welcoming to a little one!" - Tiffany

"Neighbor" personality"Neighbor" personality

Sara & Timothy

Home study approved

My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

"We have wonderfdul friendly neighbors where everyone says hi to each other and there are tons of kids of all ages around us. People love being outside with their families and pets." - Sara

"Neighbor" personality"Caregiver" personality

Jesse & Tavo

Home study approved

Adoption Professional: ABC Counseling & Family Services

I hope our child’s birth mother is…

"Someone who believes she is beautiful, wonderful and worthy of all the good things in the world. Having optimism is so important to me and our family. I hope our child's birth mother sees adoption as a wonderful choice for those individuals who genuinely believe it is the right decision for them. I hope that our child’s birth mother knows that we will love, care for and protect our child so that he or she is able to grow up to be kind, confident, strong and most importantly free to be his or her beautiful true self!" - Tavo

"Neighbor" personality"Neighbor" personality

Courtney & Marcus

Home study approved

Adoption Professional: Lutheran Family Services

If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?

"Probably Rashida Jones (Ann from Parks&Rec). I relate to her character's personality in so many ways!" - Courtney

"Innocent" personality"Hero" personality

Cinthya & Anthony

Home study approved

Adoption Professional: AdoptHelp Law Corpoation

If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

"My grandmother." - Cinthya

"Caregiver" personality"Creative" personality

Jane & Laurie

Home study approved

Adoption Professional: Paths for Families / Adoptions Together

What scares you?

"death" - Laurie

"Neighbor" personality"Sage" personality

Jayme & Michael

Home study approved

My favorite place in the World is...

"home" - Michael

"Sage" personality"Caregiver" personality

Ashley & Jess

Home study approved

Adoption Professional: Adiption Associates

Favorite season and why?

"Autumn. In Michigan, the fall colors are beautiful. (And it isn't too hot..)" - Jess