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Cortland & Kaleb Smith
Adoption Professional: JustChoice
Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…
"Happy." - Cortland
Neha & Amit
Adoption Professional: AdoptHelp
When we argue, what’s it about?
"We have healthy arguments about a lot of things. Sometimes its about what we want to eat or where we want to travel." - Neha
Spencer & Jacob
Adoption Professional: Adoption & Beyond
The most special thing I own is...
"My dogs." - Jacob
Mark & Deanna
Adoption Professional: JustChoice
My favorite place in the World is...
"On top of a mountain. I love hiking and being in nature; There’s an incredible sense of accomplishment when you conquer a mountain." - Mark
Liz & John
Adoption Professional: Beresford Booth, Dimitra Scott
Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?
"No kids, unless a special situation presents itself to adopt two at once, we only intent to have one child, and to give them the world." - Liz
Cassandra & Blair
Adoption Professional: Conner Adoptions
I'm super competitive when it comes to...
"Playing a game of Magic The Gathering" - Blair
Adoption Professional: Paths for Families/Adoptions Together
We are the best choice because…
"I'm sure there are a lot of great potential adoptive parents out there and I repect that you are making extremely difficult choices during this time in your life. If I’m the right fit, I promise to give the baby everything I have to offer - love, acceptance, humor, and joy in new experiences. I will nurture their dreams and give them every opportunity I can to help them realize their goals. " - Jacqueline
Katlynn & Robert
Adoption Professional: Haven Adoptions
If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?
"RV because I love forests and mountains. Plus, I get seasick!" - Katlynn
Cassie & Jason
Adoption Professional: Elizabeth F. Schwartz Attorneys & Mediators
Dogs or cats?
"I’ve grown up and cherished many animals over the years. We currently have 3 awesome, loving dogs that are great with kids." - Cassie
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