
Kristin & Truman

Home Study

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Photograph of adoptive Family






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Master’s Degree


Relationship-Based Professional Learning Specialist

Political Affiliation:

Prefer not to say






Home study has been approved






Trade School


Maintenance Technician

Political Affiliation:

Prefer not to say


Hey there! We want to thank you in advance for considering us as you make an adoption plan for your baby. It's hard to put into words what it is we want you to know about us; what we want you to understand; and what we want you to be able to envision for your child. Sentiments such as gratitude, appreciation, and admiration seem to be insufficient, even though they are at the forefront, heartfelt, for the gift you are giving. Conveying on paper how much love and support your child would have amongst our family is next to impossible, but it is a sincere promise that we willingly make. I (Kristin) have worked in early childhood education my entire life. Being able to use my gift for both a career choice and as a consistent source of joy is something I know I am lucky to be able to do, but I also know that I have a deeper passion and desire to personally raise a child. In my work I have been loving other people’s children my whole life, and know that I am humbly committed to welcoming your child into our family. Truman has been a phenomenal father to the 16 year-old who became my “bonus” child. Both of us are excited and hopeful that we can help another child grow to be an outstanding adult. Growing our family through adoption is something that we know will take ongoing openness and gratitude. We also know we are prepared. We don't claim to be perfect people, perfect parents, or perfect community members, but we do know how important it is to help our children be better than us, and acknowledge that they also make us better! In our family we have many similarities. We care about others, and all try to live by the Golden Rule. We are passionate about our interests and hobbies, can all be goofy, love music, and have our family’s back no matter what. But we have our differences also. Interest in the thriller genre looks like movies for two, ghost-hunting for one, and books and podcasts for another. Values in health and exercise make two people gym rats, and the tree-hugger not be able to get enough walks or hikes in the daylight hours. Traveling brings great adventure for all of us, but depending on who you ask, you may learn that a hotel bed, or a camp cot is the perfect place to be. What is amazingly important in all of our differences is the support that everyone has to be themselves, to pursue their own interests, and to know that we get to decide for ourselves who we want to be and what we like. It is honestly one of the most exciting things I think we want to tell you- that your child will get to have so many experiences because of our supportive differences-that your child will get to try many things, follow their own interests, and then decide who it is they want to be. We want you to understand that we are not just the teach and preach family, but the live and learn family. We believe that children learn from experience; whether it's figuring out how objects in the world work, growing up with responsibilities and logical consequences, or being raised to understand what it is to be a good person and to be accountable to others. We don't pretend to know your thoughts, hopes, worries, or fears. What we want you to know, however, is that if there is a way we can try to support any of your feelings, we would try to do that for you. And what we hope you will believe is that we will always hold in high regard your role as a mother to your child, and express this to you and your child for the rest of our lives.

Kristin & Truman

My favorite place in the World is...

Anywhere my family is!


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?



We are the best choice because…

We will put your child first in all things; help them to become who they want to be, and always cherish your gift!


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

How we are part of such a bigger order of things!


If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...

Protecting our children better!


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”



Favorite season and why?

Fall-finally get a break from the heat!


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

My father


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

Wondering what is out there!


We are the best choice because…

We are committed to rasing a great person!


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

RV-so many places to see, people to meet, and amazing hikes to take across this country!


If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...

making children our biggest priority in all things!


I hope our child’s birth mother is…

Someone willing to go through this uncertain road of open adoption with and open mind and open communication-we can learn together!


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