Photograph of adoptive Family






Home study has been approved






Master’s Degree



Political Affiliation:







Home study has been approved






Ph.D. or higher



Political Affiliation:



Dear Expectant Mother, We hope this letter finds you as well as possible. We are Donnie and Sarah, and we are writing to you with hearts full of respect and gratitude. We can only imagine the amount of strength and love it takes to consider this path for your child, and we want to express our deepest appreciation for considering us as adoptive parents. As parents ourselves, we understand how important this moment is, and how much thought goes into every detail when it comes to our children. We have been blessed with two wonderful living children, Gabrielle and Josie, who fill our lives with laughter, learning (lots of this), and love. We have also experienced multiple pregnancy losses, and forever remember and honor our little angels Lucia and Noah. Our family is built on a foundation of diversity, love, and respect, all of which are central to our lives. We believe in embracing every opportunity to learn and grow, whether it’s through travel, reading, or simply engaging in meaningful conversations with those around us. We know that everyone has a unique story to share. Our home is a melting pot of cultures and ideas, a place where every question is welcomed and every dream is nurtured. Travel and exploration are not just hobbies for us but a way of life. We believe that experiencing different cultures, languages, and landscapes is one of the most enriching gifts we can offer our children- and it is much more beneficial for children than just investing in material items. It teaches them (and us!) about the beauty of differences in the world, the importance of empathy, and the value of living life with an open heart and mind. Our family is a blend of races and cultures, with Donnie being Hispanic/mixed of Central American origin (first generation U.S. born) and Sarah being white of U.S. Midwest origin. This interracial and intercultural dynamic has enriched our lives in countless ways, teaching us and our children the importance of understanding, respecting, and celebrating our differences. We are committed to raising our children in an environment where love knows no boundaries, and diversity is seen as a strength. A typical evening in our household might look like Donnie listening/dancing to Salsa in the kitchen while making guacamole for the girls (their favorite food), Sarah making banana bread telling Donnie to stop trying to get her dance while she is preparing dessert, and our two girls arguing about who loves guacamole more. A typical plate of food in our house is always a fun mix of who we are and the backgrounds we come from. Faith plays a significant role in our lives, guiding us through challenges and inspiring us to be the best versions of ourselves. In our household we are not afraid to talk about difficult things, and often we talk openly about what it is that we are struggling with. A big family tradition for us is sitting down as a family every evening, saying grace, and sharing a meal. Our faith allows us to enter into daily moments of gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness. We intend to instill these values in our children, ensuring they grow up with a strong moral compass and a deep sense of purpose. We also understand that we are vulnerable and inevitably fall short of being who we need to be; we value knowing we can rely on each other to get us through the difficult storms. As we write this letter, we are aware of the true privilege we have in being considered as a family for your child. It is not something we take lightly. We are committed to providing a loving, supportive, and nurturing environment for your child, one where they can thrive and discover their unique path in life - no matter where that takes them. In closing, we want you to know what we would promise to provide your child. These are our promises to you. They will be loved unconditionally in our family. They will be embraced for who they are, supported and challenged to reach their potential, and showered in affection along the way. We will be open with our child about the sacrifices you have made, and will be committed to honoring your selfless and loving decision every step of the way. We hope that you find peace in this decision-making process, and sincerely desire for you to connect with the best family for you and your child (whether or not that is us). With sincere respect and gratitude, Donnie and Sarah

Sarah & Donald

Our girls GG & Josie

Our girls GG & Josie

Enjoying a family baby shower

Enjoying a family baby shower

Snow day 2024

Snow day 2024

If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

rice and beans


My favorite place in the World is...

Indonesia. I taught at a school in Indonesia for one year after I finished graduate school, and it was one of the most transformative years of my life. The students there taught me so much, and I really came into my own during that experience.


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”



Favorite season and why?

Fall is my favorite season because the changing of leaves, loss of leaves, and then rebirth in spring is always such a powerful reminder of the beauty of life and how the most beautiful things are often times born from loss.


Annual family Halloween costume - 2023

Annual family Halloween costume - 2023

Christmastime with family - one of our favorite times of year!

Christmastime with family - one of our favorite times of year!

We love being outdoors as much as possible!

We love being outdoors as much as possible!

Favorite season and why?

Autumn because it's beautiful and you can still be active outdoors without overheating.


When we argue, what’s it about?

ketchup vs mustard


I'm super competitive when it comes to...



The most special thing I own is...

my saxophones. I love to play several times a week


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

G.K. Chesterton, an author I respect greatly.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

there are many families with similarly aged children that we spend a lot of time with. Whether it's our neighborhood Easter egg hunt, or a summer grill out, it's wonderful to know we have such a close knit community around us and our children always have friends around to play with.


If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...

free french fries for everyone, all the time.


Fun at the waterpark

Fun at the waterpark

Teaching the kids how to make a snowman

Teaching the kids how to make a snowman

What scares you?

I'm not scared of much, but I can't tolerate snakes and large spiders. Eek, I get goosebumps just thinking about them!


My philosophy on parenting is...

parents grow just as much as their children


Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

We have two girls and they are so excited about a sibling! My oldest is 5 and has already become a great big sister. She has been practicing giving our baby dolls a bottle and changing their diaper and can't wait to help mom and dad with the new baby too!


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the night sky?

I am reminded of the movie "The Lion King" when I see the night sky - the part where Mufasa says that the kings of the past are up there watching down on us. I am always reminded of my babies who were lost too soon and envisioning them watching down as guardian angels to my family.


Celebrating our 5 year anniversary in Europe

Celebrating our 5 year anniversary in Europe

If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

RV for sure! I get seasick so that's a no brainer for me - haha!


Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

achieving her life goals and thriving. Whether it's completing a degree, landing that dream job, or making an impact on her community, I hope that her passions and goals are being met and that she has found herself in commnity that support and encourage that to happen.


Dogs or cats?

Dogs, although I've grown to love our two cats Spock & Luna


My favorite place in the World is...

Nicaragua, on the island of Ometepe where my father's family still lives.


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