
Katie & Michael

Home Study

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Photograph of adoptive Family






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Master’s Degree


Registered Dietitian

Political Affiliation:

Prefer not to say






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Ph.D. or higher



Political Affiliation:

Prefer not to say

If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Ice cream :)


I'm super competitive when it comes to...

Running: I'm most competitive with myself and my running goals/accomplishments.


My philosophy on parenting is...

Don't sweat the small stuff and live in the moment.


Dogs or cats?



I'm super competitive when it comes to...

Halloween costumes. For several years our family has dressed up together, using a theme. We've dressed up as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Peter Pan and company, Wizard of Oz characters and Winnie the Pooh and friends.


My favorite place in the World is...

Home. I love traveling and seeing new places with my family, but nothing beats Home.


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

I'd live on a sailboat because I love the water and the outdoors, and I think exploring the world by boat would be quite an adventure. It's always been a dream of mine to learn to sail and share those fun times on the water with my family.


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

Surfing once in awhile.


Complete the sentence, “I can’t live without……”

Coffee!! And music -- we listen to a lot of music in our house!


Three years from now, I hope our child’s birth mom is…

Pursuing her dreams and passions while feeling peace and comfort about her decision, knowing her son/daughter is with a family who cherishes him/her deeply.


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

My paternal grandmother who passesd away when I was very young. She raised 4 boys on her own, was a great cook and loved her family fiercely. I'd love to have dinner with her and hear all about her life from her perspective.


If I could choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be:

Nachos - they remind me of watching sports and spending time with family and friends.


My best friend would describe me as...

The luckiest man alive. He and I had a lot of laughs and good times growing up, but we've ended up in very different places in our lives. I'm glad we've been able to remain close despite some bumps in the road of life for each of us and difficult moments in our friendship.


If you had to pick a famous person to play you in a movie, who would it be?

Ryan Gosling because he seems to have a laid back style, and I'd like to think we'd have an interesting conversation if we ever met up in real life.


I hope our child’s birth mother is…

Aware of how immensely grateful we are for her bravery, her faith in us as parents, and for the ultimate act of love she's shown.


The most special thing I own is...

My wedding ring: it was Michael's grandmother's ring. I love family heirlooms, so it's an honor to have such a special wedding ring.


My philosophy on parenting is...

You'll never have it all figured out as a parent, and that's ok as long as you're trying your best. Your kids are constantly teaching you how to grow as a parent and individual, just as you are teaching, guiding and leading them through life.


If I could change one thing about the World, it would be...

To improve humanity's ability to listen to people of different backgrounds and make a real effort to understand the ways we are similar rather than focus on the ways we are different.


Favorite season and why?

Summer -- I enjoy the long days and all the outdoor activities that you can do in the summertime.


My neighborhood is a good place to raise a family because…

It's the best funky, little beach town. We live in such a great neighborhood with lots of other young families and kids. It's close to several parks and only a 10 minute drive to the beach!


Favorite season and why?

Fall - I love the warm days and cool, crisp mornings and evenings. I also love all the colors of Fall.


If you had to live on an RV or sailboat for the rest of your life, which would it be?

RV - We love going on roadtrips, so I know we'd have fun driving an RV to various major landmarks, discovering new places and hidden gems, while also being able to drive to our extended family to see them whenever we want.


Do I have kids? How do they feel about a sibling?

We have 2 boys: Clark and Hayes. They're both very excited and have been praying for another sibling to join the family.


Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

Both - I was born and raised Catholic. My faith is a huge part of my life. We attend Mass weekly as a family, pray together often and always try to keep Christ at the center of our family.


If I could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—I would pick...

My mom: she passed away when I was very young and I don't remember as much of her as I'd like to.


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